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400+ reads already? Omfg, thanks, guys! Much, much, much appreciated!

Oh! And shoutout to my best friend and comrade LuigiFan620 (I will refer to him as Dobt from now on 'cause, uh... It's an inside joke lol.

Are you ready?...




They were stranded in this seemingly endless ice world.

It was late at night, and they still didn't know what to do. They remained silent, coexisting with the other. Player was busy thinking about how to end himself, while Captain was deeply depressed over Player's rejection.

The two managed to fall asleep inside of the small pod, each of them cooped up on the polar sides of the pod.

Player shivered. He wasn't used to surviving in the harsh, cold environment of Polus. Captain, on the other hand, had trained to subject himself to freezing temperatures. Though it wasn't something he wanted to get used to, he knew that he'd have to.

As time ticked, the pod got colder and colder. Player tried to keep himself warm, wrapping his arms around himself every now and then. The cold never stopped leaking in-- in fact, once the clock struck midnight, all the remaining warm air was sucked out of the pod.

The two crewmembers shivered and shook, turning away from each other. Captain knew that they'd have to share body heat in order to survive, but he knew Player would kill him if he brought up the idea. So, he stayed silent for the rest of the night.


Player woke up alone the very next morning. Captain had courteously closed the pod to maintain whatever warmth was left inside. 

Player was in a state of overpowering fear. The thought of being alone nearly tore him apart.

But, as we all know, Captain's sweet soul would never do such a thing to Player, no matter how hurt he was deep inside. He came trudging back into the pod only moments later. Player lets out a silent sigh of relief.

"Player!" He exclaims, almost excitement laced in his voice, "I found a lava pit! We won't freeze to death after all!"

This news didn't strike Player by surprise (after all, he had been to Polus before-- but he was always in a heated campsite whenever he came to visit) but, nonetheless, the news still excited him. Player attempts to stand up, but, moments later, his legs betray him and he ends up falling back down on his ass. Captain notices Player struggling, and asks, "Need any help?"

The question caught Player a bit off-guard, but he felt the need to ask, "Wait, what...?"

Without a bit of warning, Captain picks the red-suited crewmember up and carries him to the large pit of lava, before gently placing him into a soft pile of snow.

Player was in a deep state of shock. "C-Captain...," he stutters, his mouth unable to create words. Captain took this lightly and laughed it off gently. The two of them sit silently next to each other once again, each thinking of the other secretly.

The white-suited chad notices the small bean beside him shivering once again, so he couldn't help but embrace the smaller into a warming hug. He was surprised when Player didn't reject this small gesture of affection. Player even hugged back slowly after a while, enjoying Captain's warmth (and, secretly, his company.) Suddenly, Player started to weep a bit. This alerted Captain and he instantly rubbed soothing circles behind the smaller's back, whispering gentle nothings.

"W-Why are you helping me...?" Player finally whispers, guilt flooding his voice, "I literally rejected you."

Captain winces a bit at the word 'rejected' but quickly replies with a, "No matter what, I'll always stay by your side, Player... You may not love me in return, but you'll always have a special place in my heart..."

"How could anyone care about a loser like me...," Player mumbles, just loud enough for the white-suited crewmate to hear. Captain took a few moments before responding, "I... I can't explain it... I guess I love you too much to not care about you if that makes any sense." Player was flabbergasted by Captain's sudden statement-- earlier, when Captain had shown him affection, he thought he was just trying to cheer him up.

"You love me?"

Captain nods, shivering to a cool gust of wind. "Yeah..."

Player didn't know how else to respond, so he ended the conversation there and laid himself down on the soft bed of snow below him. He sinks in a bit, closing his eyes and enjoying the meager amount of warmth around him.


A few hours later, Player woke up from his nap. Captain was already wide awake, playing with his trademark hat out of boredom. He soon notices Player awake, and greets him with a, "Hey, Player, how was your nap?"

"...Honestly, not bad," Player admits, standing up for a moment to stretch his arms. He notices Captain's not-well-hidden expression of hurt and sighs.



"I...," he sighs for a moment. "I... T-Thank you for staying here with me... After what I did to you, I... I know I deserve to be here alone. I just... What I'm trying to say is, I'm really sorry, Captain..." Of course, Captain would never have the heart to hold a grudge on Player. "It's okay, Player..."

Player looked into Captain's hazel-brown orbs, drifting a bit closer to him before abruptly stopping himself. What the hell am I doing? He thought, I love Veteran. Don't forget that. Even so, Player's cheeks were a light pink shade. Captain notices Player's sudden change in behavior and asks, "Player, is everything okay?"

"Y-Yeah...," Player manages to stutter out. "Everything is just fine..."

Suddenly, the sound of growling filled the two crewmember's ears. They exchange glances before whispering to the other, "What was that...?" 

Every moment that passed, the growling became louder and louder. Player instinctively latches himself onto the white-suited leader's arm, shaking in fear. Captain blushes at this sudden reaction but keeps it to himself.

He gently slides Player's arm off and stands up, slowly walking closer and closer to the inhuman growls. The sound of a loud bark tore through the alley, but Captain kept a brace expression and walked closer.

"Captain, are you sure that's a good idea?!" Player exclaims. Captain shrugs and says, "What's the worse that could happen-!"

That's when a large four-legged creature hopped out behind them, howling to the moon before charging straight their way, teeth glistening under the moonlight.


Stranded, an AUL fanfiction // Player x CaptainWhere stories live. Discover now