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A/n: This book contains a lot of suicidal mentions and thoughts, as well as bullying. There will also be descriptions of cutting. Reader discretion is advised.




My life is perfect.

It's everything I've dreamed it to be. I've fallen in love with my best friend, Veteran, and he's fallen in love with me. We loved each other with all of our hearts. Nothing could ever break our true love for each other-- we're bound together like an eraser on a pencil.

Our friends have been very supportive of our relationship. I appreciate them all, and I'm glad they're my friends. I honestly couldn't ask for any better friends.

Then... Something happened. Turmoil unfolded one night.

I had gone to bed, my arms wrapped around my lover's waist as I drifted off to the land of peace. He shifted a bit, and something about him suddenly seemed... off. Off as in, not the Veteran I fell in love with. He felt like someone different, someone I didn't know.

My eyes snapped open. His dark energy kept me awake, my heart racing out of my chest. Is he okay? What's happening to my love?

He was already asleep. His eyelids twitched as he slept, and he mumbled random nothings. I realized how silly I was to worry-- I was just paranoid, I concluded. It's hours past my normal downtime.

I kept telling myself that he was fine, that I was just overthinking. I close my eyes once more, but this time, I shift a few inches away from him. Something in my gut told me to stay a small distance away from him. I closed my eyes, thinking about all the good times Veteran and I had shared together to distract myself. I tried to calm myself down hour after hour, but nothing seemed to be able to get me to fall asleep.

Then, the clock struck three. It was over five hours past my normal bedtime, so I knew I'd be up all night.

That's when I realized that Veteran wasn't next to me. Suddenly in a panic state, I hop up from our bed. I frantically searched around our room, but he was nowhere to be found. Veteran just vanished, just like that. I didn't even hear him exit our room.

My heart started racing and my head started to spin. If Veteran's not here, where the hell is he? He'd never just exit our room without telling me, much less without any noise.

Then, suddenly, I heard his voice. But it wasn't his normal, calming deep voice. It was a dark voice. It echoed through our room and bounced off our walls.

"H-Hello...?" I whisper, shuffling under our sheets, "V-Veteran, is that you?" Suddenly, silence. The air returned back to its normal state, flowing freely.

I stood up from bed and exited our room. I'm going crazy, I'm going crazy, everything's okay, everything's okay-!

Then, the sound of glass shattering echoes through the halls. The sound of a pained cry tore through the halls. It was unmistakably Gnome's voice.

"Gnome?!" I exclaim, "What happened?!"

Her cries silenced. The hall stood still, quiet. The only sound that played was the sound of the clock ticking in a soft rhythm. 

I took a few cautious steps forward, looking around every few seconds. My whole body shook uncontrollably.

"Player... Player...," A soft voice whispers, "You're too late..."

The halls echoed with the whispers, taking over my mind as I screamed. I begged for them to leave me alone and get out of my head, but they wouldn't. Then, I saw him. The one I loved, the one I cared so much about. 

Stranded, an AUL fanfiction // Player x CaptainWhere stories live. Discover now