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A/n: Strong mentions of cutting and depression. Reader discretion is advised.




That night, Player went to bed feeling miserable. He didn't have Veteran's comforting arms around his waist, or anyone to talk to. He had never felt so lonely in his entire life, even when his parents disowned him for being gay.

He honestly wished that it was all just another dream, a nightmare. That everything was fine. That he and Veteran were still in love.

But, as fate tells it, he was alone. This wasn't a dream, a hallucination, or a vision. It was the harsh reality.

Needless to say, Player's perfect life was shattered into a million pieces.

He spent the whole night alone in his room, bawling his eyes out. He couldn't get over the yellow-suited bean no matter how hard he tried. He loved Veteran with a burning passion, even if Veteran didn't love him back. 

Captain, on the other hand, didn't know what to feel. He loved Player for a long time now but never had the guts to tell him-- especially after Player and Veteran became a couple. But, now that they've broken up, he has a chance...?

The white-suited lad decided it would be best if he left Player alone for a bit, just to grant him some space to clear his mind. It broke his heart seeing his bestie and crush so sad, but he knew he'd get a negative reaction if he tried to intervene. So, Captain decided to go to bed and help Player sort things out in the morning.


It was well past sunrise, and Player hasn't stopped crying. In fact, his sobs increased a bit in volume gradually. He didn't want to exit his room, because he was fearful of encountering Veteran once more.

Veteran, on the other hand, couldn't care less. MrCheese pats him on the back and grumbles, "You didn't need that loser anyway, Veteran." Veteran nods and rolls his eyes. "Honestly, dating him was a huge mistake on my part. I don't even want to be his friend anymore, he's such a loser."

The two of them cackled as they spoke poorly of Player, making fun of him and taunting him. None of the other crewmembers seemed to care-- some even joined in. No one defended the poor red-suited bean.

Player was always depressed, though he hesitates to admit it. Whenever times were tough or something didn't go as planned, Player resorted to cutting himself. Not even Veteran knew this fact about his ex-boyfriend.

Pulling out a sharp pocket knife, Player slowly slit his wrists a bit. It stung, but Player was almost completely numb to the pain. The pain in his heart was so great that any physical pain bestowed upon him was so minuscule.

Captain had just woken up to the sound of Player's heartbroken cries. He decided that he'd make his move now before Player got any worse. He knocked upon Player's door, but the door creaked open on its own. The scene happening before him nearly snapped his heart in half. He witnessed Player cutting his wrists, watching his own blood ooze out.

"Player!" Captain exclaimed, panic in his voice, "Stop!"

Player, knowing he was caught, hid his knife under his bed. He tried to cover up his wrists with his sleeve, but Captain grabbed his arm forcefully to prevent him from doing so. Player winced a bit at the pain.

"G-Go away, Captain...," he whispers. Captain was in a state of panic. How could he do this to himself? He thought, tears prickling his eyes. He used all of his will to hold in his tears.

Stranded, an AUL fanfiction // Player x CaptainWhere stories live. Discover now