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A/n: Okay how tf did this get 1.2k reads, I-

Okay, also, you guys have been begging for an update so here it is... Sorry it took so long omg-


A large creature, the size of four men combined, was charging straight at them in a fury.

Captain was in so much fear that he subconsciously hid behind Player, wrapping his arms around Player's waist while whimpering. Player himself was shaking.

The creature shows no mercy and charges directly at the two poor crewmembers. In a moment of panic, Player shoves Captain out of the way. The creature knocks Player off the side of the lava pit.

Player quickly grabs one of the creature's legs and pulls him down with him. The creature loses grip and falls into the pool of boiling lava, screeching once before it died.

Player's grip upon the edge was starting to slip. He closes his eyes and braces for impact, but... It never came.

Captain was using all of his remaining strength to pull Player back up. Player collapses onto the snow, panting. "H-Huh?"

"No man left behind," Captain says with a small blush, hoisting Player up. Player was left speechless for a few moments before he whispers, "C-Captain y-you s-saved m-me..."

"Yeah. A-are you okay?" Captain says, a worried look painted over his face. Player's face relaxes as he mumbles, "I-I'm f-fine, t-thanks to you..."

"Anytime," Captain says with a small smile.

Player's cheeks started to heat up. He never knew Captain could be so brave, bold... And, well, handsome.

Captain takes a seat right next to Player. Player turns away, hiding his blushing face.

A moment of silence took place until Captain whispers, "Do you really think I would have let you fall? I would never..."

"O-Oh, u-uh...," Player stutters, "I- I just thought..."

"Player, even if you were a complete jerk, I wouldn't let someone fall to their slow and painful death," Captain says softly. Player winces at the word 'jerk' but doesn't say anything against it. He knew deep inside that he really was a jerk to Captain.

"...Wow, you've got a really good heart, Captain..."

Captain blushes and mumbles, "Thanks..."

"Honestly," Player says, looking up at the night sky, "If I had to be stuck here with anyone, I'm glad it's you."

Player's comment took Captain by surprise. "W-wait, really?"

Player sighs and looks down. "Y-yeah... Honestly, I think everyone else would've watched me fall into that pit of lava..."

"That's because no one loves you the way I do."

Player looks into Captain's eyes, blushing ever so lightly. "W-Well... I guess you're all I need then..."

Player and Captain spend another few moments in silence. "Well...," Player says, regaining Captain's attention, "A-Anyway, u-uh, we should probably find some shelter before nightfall."

"Oh yeah. Right."

Player grabs Captain's hand subconsciously and starts to walk around aimlessly. "Alright... if I were a totally random piece of shelter, where would I be..."

Captain blushes at the contact. He fanboys internally about how cute Player is.

Player, still oblivious to holding Captain's hand, shouts, "Oh! There!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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Stranded, an AUL fanfiction // Player x CaptainWhere stories live. Discover now