Chapter 11

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"Tell me again why we agreed to do this," Chaeyoung put her head on Lisa's shoulder as they waited outside the restaurant Chaeyoung chose for this occasion.

"Because your friends wouldn't leave you alone until you agreed to introduce them to me and Irene's in town and refuses to let me sleep with her incessant 'Can I meet her? Can I meet her? Hey Lisa, are you awake? No? Well wake up! When can I meet her?'"

Lisa put her arm around Chaeyoung and kissed her forehead.

"Yeah, about that. When does she leave? Because I kind of miss our sleepovers." Chaeyoung looked up at her with those big brown eyes and Lisa felt a little tug on her heart.

"I miss them, too. I told you I can come to your place when your mom works the graveyard shift."

"I'm not letting you leave your cousin alone after she came all this way to visit with you."

"Then stop making me feel guilty."

Chaeyoung thought for a moment. "No."

Lisa rolled her eyes. "You're lucky you're cute."

Chaeyoung smiled and kissed her. "I'm lucky you're mine."

Lisa tried to ignore the way her stomach flipped at Chaeyoung's words, but she couldn't avoid how warm her face felt. She knew she was definitely blushing. She wasn't used to this. She didn't know if she would ever get used to it. She didn't know if she ever wanted to, either. The way Chaeyoung made her feel far surpassed anything she ever imagined being in love would be like. Not that she'd ever admit it out loud. Far too scary and far too soon. Right now, she was just hoping to get through the night without making a complete fool of herself in front of Chaeyoung's friends.

She had no idea how to respond without her voice cracking from nerves, so she simply pulled Chaeyoung in closer and kissed her deeply.

"By all means, keep kissing. Don't stop on our account."

They pulled apart and Lisa was met with two rather familiar looking brunettes. She knew them to be ones who tried to hide the fact that they were spying on her as she worked out in her room. Lisa detached from Chaeyoung, stood up straight and held out her hand with as much confidence as she could muster.

"You must be Hyeri. It's nice to meet you." Hyeri shook her hand looked her up and down. It wasn't in a threatening way. It was more out of curiosity.

She then turned to Jennie to shake her hand, as well. "And you must be the overprotective pain in the ass that's going to judge me all night long."

Jennie pursed her lips and looked Lisa up and down just as Hyeri did, but this one was definitely in a threatening way. It took a moment, but Jennie finally relented and took her hand.

"Well, at least we know Chaeyoung has told you about us. I was beginning to think she had forgotten all about us with how much time she's been spending with you."

"Jennie," Chaeyoung warned.

Jennie shot her a look of innocence. "What? I'm just saying we haven't seen as much of you as we did last summer."

"Sorry. I guess I have been taking up a lot of her time," offered Lisa.

Jennie gave her a death stare that could melt the face off the devil himself. Lisa had no idea why she was so afraid of this girl. She found herself praying that Irene would arrive soon and rescue her. There was no way Irene would let anyone intimidate her.

Jennie's death glare slowly faded and turned into a smile.

"All right, enough with the scare tactics, soccer girl. Let's get some drinks in us and become besties!" She put her arm through Lisa's and pulled her toward the entrance.

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