Chapter 15

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Since Chaeyoung only had a morning class on Wednesday, she arranged to meet Lisa at Columbia that afternoon once Lisa's last class was out. As she hopped off the train and followed Lisa's directions to the campus and then to her dorm, she felt herself getting more and more giddy at the thought of finally seeing where Lisa was living. And she kind of hated that she would even use the term "giddy" to describe how she was feeling, but there was no other word for it.

Once she found the right address, she headed up and looked for her dorm number. Before knocking, she opened her backpack and grabbed the small canvas artwork she painted as a gift for Lisa. She gave it one last glance-over before knocking on the door and holding it behind her back.

When the door opened, Chaeyoung didn't exactly get the greeting she had anticipated. Instead, a scowling, but very pretty brunette opened the door. A brunette that wasn't her girlfriend.

"Can I help you?"

Chaeyoung looked at the number on the door to make sure she had the right place.

"Um...I'm here to see Lisa."

The girl opened the door wider as a signal for Chaeyoung to come in.

"She must still be at class. You can wait in here if you want."

Chaeyoung stepped in and immediately knew which side of the room was Lisa's. There wasn't much decorating her walls, but her soccer gear, cleats and workout bag were hung up on a hook near the foot of her bed. There was a photo of her team framed on her desk. Out of both nervousness and curiosity, she opened the desk drawer and found a photo of Lisa and Chaeyoung inside, along with another photo of Lisa, Chaeyoung, Hyeri, Jennie and Irene taken the night they all went out together. Chaeyoung smiled upon seeing them.

"What's that?"

Chaeyoung turned around and saw Eunbi gesturing at the painting.

"Oh. It's just a little something for Lisa." Chaeyoung held onto it protectively while showing it to her. Eunbi didn't really seem that interested. She merely scoffed and Chaeyoung knew right then that there were more reasons to hate her than just the fact that she was constantly trying to get with Lisa.

"That's cute. You brought her a little present."

"I painted it."

"Even cuter."

Chaeyoung wanted to throw something at her, but instead, she tried to be civil and reached out her hand.

"You must be her roommate. I'm Chaeyoung."

"You must be Lisa's current conquest. I'm Eunbi." She took Chaeyoung's hand haphazardly.

"Excuse me?" Chaeyoung looked her up and down, trying to maintain a tough exterior, but she was a little intimidated by just how hot this girl was.

"Look, you seem like a really nice girl so I'm gonna give you a little warning. Whatever little tryst you had with her is just that. She has a bit of a reputation and never sleeps with the same girl twice. Good luck trying to get into her bed more than once."

Chaeyoung was torn between feeling a little smug having very obviously been in Lisa's bed more than once and wanting to punch this girl in her pretty little face for talking shit on her girlfriend. Even if it was true, Eunbi was talking about her like she knew her. She wanted to, but very clearly didn't know her at all.

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