Chapter 13

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Chaeyoung was struggling with two heavy boxes in her arms, trying to get the key in the door of her dorm room.

"Yo, blondie. Hurry up. This pillow isn't getting any lighter."

She turned around to glare at Jennie, who was standing behind her holding nothing but a pillow and dragging a rolling suitcase.

"Since you have a free hand, you could make yourself useful and open the door."

"Nah. You already have the key out. Just turn and push. You can do it."

Chaeyoung finally got the door unlocked and kicked it open with her foot. She dropped the boxes on the floor and looked back at Jennie, who was casually rolling in the suitcase and threw the pillow on the empty bed.

"I'm so glad you offered to come along and help me unpack," said Chaeyoung, her voice dripping with disdain.

"It's my pleasure, Park. Happy to help. Besides, I'm never one to pass up a road trip. You know that.

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes at her friend. "Come on. We've got at least three more trips to make from the car."

"I need a break," whined Jennie.

"I'm going to stab you."

"Fine, fine. So grumpy. Thank God you're back in New York so you can finally get laid."

"Will you stop saying I need to get laid?"

"Well, you do."

Chaeyoung guided Jennie out the door as they headed back down to the car to grab another load of boxes.

She was finally back at NYU and only forty minutes away from her girlfriend. After saying goodbye to Hyeri, who went back to school in California, Jennie insisted on driving Chaeyoung back to NYU, wanting to spend more time with her best friend before heading back to their now deserted hometown since most of their friends had already gone back to school.

"This sucks," announced Jennie as they headed back to the dorm room with more boxes.

"You offered to help me!"

"Not this. The fact that summer's over and you and Hyeri have abandoned me again."

"My offer still stands. You can come up and see me any time. It'll be nice to have my best friend here more often."


"I promise. We'll figure out which weekends work best for both of us. Besides, I'm sure Lisa would love to see you, too."

Chaeyoung maneuvered the door open once more and once they were inside and put the boxes down, they realized they weren't alone. A girl was sitting at the desk on the opposite side of the room, near the bed that had already been claimed before Jennie and Chaeyoung had gotten there. She stood up to greet the girls.

"Whoa. You're new. Hi, I'm Jennie." Jennie stuck her hand out.

"Hi. I'm Jisoo." She shook Jennie's hand and went to shake Chaeyoung's.

"I'm Chaeyoung. Your new roommate."

"It's nice to meet you. I hope you don't mind, I've set myself up on this side of the room."

"That's fine. I'm left handed so the left side works best for me, anyway."

"Good." Jisoo turned to Jennie. "You're the friend?"

Jennie put her arm around Chaeyoung. "Best friend."

"Is she chill or should I be worried?" asked Jisoo, nodding over to Chaeyoung.

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