Chapter 4: The Church of Coco

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Coco was less than pleased to be stuck in the hospital room, watching Annabelle as she tossed and turned for hours. He was relieved when she had asked him to go get her some more water, he finally had an excuse to escape the quiet sniffles she was trying to hide from him. He had a feeling that whatever medication they had been giving her was beginning to wear off, the ordeal she had been put through and the pain that accompanied her injuries seemed to be setting in because her eyes had been leaking single tears every once in a while for over an hour now.

When Coco returned to the room he felt instant regret, wishing that he knocked on the door before he just walked in. Annabelle was laying on her back with her head pressed so firmly into the thin hospital pillow that he was sure her head was digging into the poor excuse for a mattress underneath- her left hand was clutching the rings that hung around her neck with white knuckles and her casted arm was laying heavily over her mouth to block out the sound of her sobs. Coco sighed, moving extra slow as he sat back in his chair as he knew the option to turn around and pretend that he had not seen her was even too cruel for him.

"I'm sorry, Coco." She apologized, pulling her scratchy hospital blanket up to wipe her eyes. Annabelle had not meant for him to see her like that which was why she was quick to send him away when she felt she was finally losing control of her own emotions.

"Shit must hurt." He nodded to the cast on her arm and she chuckled, nodding her head.

"I can deal with the physical pain, Coco. That's easy." She admitted, reaching for the bottle of water the man was holding out to her. "Thanks."

Coco watched her as she slowly sipped the water, taking time between each sip to breath as crying had caused her nose to become stuffed up. She was doing her best to avoid his gaze as it burned holes in the side of her skull. "I'm fine, Coco."

"Say it." Coco spoke, leaning forward as he rested his elbows on his knees, "Speak your truth before it eats you alive."

Annabelle pulled the plastic away from her lips, her chocolate brown eyes meeting Coco's own dark ones in surprise. He gave her a reassuring nod and she sighed, placing the bottle on the small table that sat beside her bed.

"There was a moment when I was in that hole where I had completely given up," The intensity in Coco's gaze was so strong that it made her look away from the man, opting to lay her head back onto the pillow and let her eyes focus on the ceiling above, "I have seen so much violence and death and I had always held onto this hope that the people I loved felt peace before they died-" Her voice cracked as her emotion got the best of her once again, "My hope has been shattered and now I know just how wrong I was... fear, pure fear and longing is what they felt."

Coco leaned back in his chair to let her words soak in. The thoughtful look on his face had slowed Annabelle's tears as she waited to hear what he would have to say.

"Nah, it's different." He hissed, "You didn't die, you didn't get that moment as you let out your last breath. You can't say they didn't feel peace because you didn't make it that far."

No one paid any mind as four motorcycles took up two parking spots on Main street, everyone in town was used to the Mayans being around. The three Mayans and one Son made their way into Navarro's, catching the attention of one particular waitress. Hank smiled at the woman, stepping forward to kiss her cheek- Rosa was a regular at club parties every other weekend.

"Hey sweetheart, do you know a guy who comes in every night? Waits for Annabelle to leave?"

"Is she okay? She didn't show up for her shift tonight but never called, the boss is pissed." The woman asked, her concern for her friend growing- she knew that Annabelle had nothing to do with the M.C so it must be bad that they were there on her behalf.

"She's a little banged up but she'll be fine." Hank assured her, not wanting to send Rosa into panic before they could identify the scumbag that had hurt her friend.

Bishop stepped forward, his patience wearing thin. If the guy came in and heard why they were there then he could easily avoid them so this could be there only shot. "Guy in a suit?"

"He usually sits in the corner booth after 9:00." Her eyes glanced over to the clock that was hanging by the door. "He should be here soon."

Tig led the rest of the bikers to an empty booth near the corner, leaving an empty booth between them and Chris's usual table. The men made small talk as they waited, only bothering to order coffee. Angel sat beside Tig, his eyes glued to the door just in case they spooked the man before he could sit.

Bishop let his curiosity get the best of him as they staked out the diner. "She said she was family?"

"Clay Morrow's only biological kid. Jax's death hit her hard, she left Charming not long after." Tig tried to keep the details to a minimum, not wanting to air too many details to another club.

Angel rolled his shoulders as he leaned against the window. "That didn't sound like the only death that hit her hard."

Silence engulfed their table as Tig sorted his thoughts carefully, "Juice had too many secrets- got caught up in a failed R.I.C.O operation and covered up the murder of our Presidents wife... there ain't no coming back from that shit."

Angel kicked Bishop's shin under the table, earning a disgruntled look from his President before he nodded to the blonde man wearing a suit as he passed their table, going to sit alone in the corner booth. Rosa was quick to approach their table with a coffee pot in hand, the careful smile she wore was a sign to them that was indeed the man they had been waiting for.

"Refills anyone?"

"No thanks, doll, anymore coffee and I will be up all night." Tig smirked, pulling out his wallet and leaving a large bill on the table to reward the woman for her assistance.

The four men lurked in the shadows, watching and waiting for Christopher to leave the diner. It seemed that he had chosen a new target as he waited outside long after closing, leaning against the window as he waited for Rosa to finish all of her duties so he could offer to walk her home. The lights dimmed inside and Rosa's shadow came into view as she stepped outside. She was surprised to see him- her body language told him and the bikers that as she nearly jumped out of her skin when he approached her. Her eyes caught the slightest glint of flame when Angel lit his cigarette in the alley across the street and she knew that they were being watched- she would make it home safe tonight one way or another. Rosa pushed down her doubt and fear to smile at the man, accepting his kind offer to rescue her from the dark streets of Santo Padre even though the red Toyota parked just down the street was in fact her very own car.

Shadows reached out from the next alley way that the pair passed, two sets of strong hands pulled Christopher into the darkness without issue as they caught him off guard. The third biker was quick to silence the man with pure aggression, cutting off any of the man's cries for help and turning them into gurgles and groans. Angel had crossed the street, pulling Rosa away from the scene and offering to follow her home on his bike to bring her a sense of comfort so that the other bikers could continue without interruption. Angel sent a brief nod to the driver of the parked, black van they passed half way down the street, its two occupants- Riz and Creeper waiting until the bike was out of sight before it pulled into the alley way.

Bishop had to sneak through the hospital's halls as new visitors were not allowed at the late night hour. When he had successfully made it to Annabelle's room he found her sound asleep and Coco wide awake, sitting in silence with a faraway look in his eye.

"The doctors gave her some meds to sleep." Coco explained, his head turned to mimic the harsh angle her head was laying on her pillow.

Bishop clapped him on the shoulder, nodding toward the door. "You should go, they're having a party back at the yard. I heard something about a high stakes poker tournament."

Coco only nodded before he quickly scurried out of the room, wanting to get in on the card game as he was known for his ability to count cards and keep it hidden. Bishop pulled Annabelle's blanket up to her chin before he rested into the chair that Coco had abandoned. He slouched, letting his tired body relax as he stretched his legs, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in. With a sigh Bishop closed his eyes, his thumb ghosting over the split in his knuckles causing them to sting... a feeling that brought him a sense of comfort as he watched Annabelle sleep in peace.

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