Chapter 10: Pure Desperation (18+)

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Warning: This chapter contains sex, if you are not comfortable with this content then please skip this chapter. If your are under the age of 18 then please do not read this content.

Annabelle had not anticipated her date with Bishop to veer in this particular direction but she had to admit to herself that she did not in fact mind. They had enjoyed their dinner following it with a movie where Annabelle found herself comforted by the fact Bishop seemed nervous to rest his arm over her shoulders. Bishop gravitated into the kitchen once the movie ended, not wanting to leave the woman with a messy kitchen- insisting on helping with the cleanup.

She had not expected to be holding a damp towel after drying the now clean dishes that Bishop had washed, and she expected to be wrapped in Bishop's slightly damp arms even less. Annabelle braced herself on the counter, reveling in the warm of the man's body as he held her., his neatly trimmed facial hair tickled her neck as he pressed his chest against her back. She stood completely still as she awaited for his next move, his warm breath against her exposed skin caused a shiver to run through her, his lips connecting with the soft skin of her neck caused her to let out a shaky sigh. She gripped the edge of the marble counter so hard her knuckles were turning white while tilting her head back, resting it against his shoulder to give the man more room. Bishop reached forward and took her hands, softly removing them from the counter so he could spin her around to face him. His lips roughly attaching to her soft ones before she could blink.

Her body was pressed firmly against the counter with the edge digging into her spine but she was too distracted by Bishops firm body pressed tightly against hers to even notice. Bishop groaned into the kiss as her fingers tugged at his hair when she tried to anchor herself to something. Her chest heaved as she tried to drag in air when Bishop detached their lips and she could feel the slightest bit of beard burn forming around her mouth. The devilish smirk that Bishop wore told her that he was not done yet and when their dark eyes met he knew that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her in that moment. He chuckled lowly when she gasped as he lifted her to sit on the kitchen counter, maintaining eye contact as he gently slid his palms from her knees up her thighs- searching her eyes for any hesitation and upon seeing nothing but lust in her eyes he continued to push her dress further up. She threw her head back with a soft moan as his fingers brushed against her already damp panties, the president made quick work of removing the thin fabric before reaching for his own belt. Annabelle watched the man with impatience as he released himself from his jeans- he was thicker than she had expected and she felt her need grow as he stroked himself once before stepping back between her legs. The moan that left Annabelle's lips when he entered her was the dirtiest sound the man had ever heard in his life, it was whiny, desperate and full of pleasure. His lips made their way back to her neck but not quite as softly this time, he had full intentions of marking her with the good kind of bruises. Her pale pink nails dug into his flexing muscles through the soft fabric of his black t-shirt encouraging Bishop to increase his pace.

"Bish..." the way his name left her lips in the form of such a wanton moan made his body burn. Her legs wrapped themselves around his waist, pulling him impossibly closer so he could sink into her deeper. "Fuck- don't stop."

He could feel her walls clenched tighter around him with each thrust of his hips, the sound sound of her moans mixed with his groans were almost drowned out by the sound created by their connecting bodies. Her nails dug deeper, no doubt marking the skin of his back and shoulders as she gripped him desperately- his own hands finding the tie that held her hair and roughly yanking it out so her hair fell around her shoulders. Her walls clenching impossibly tighter around him had him losing himself first, his hand drifting between their bodies to help her find her end as she milked him for all he had. A high squeak left her lips as her thighs shook around him meant she had finally found her release and she chased it by grinding herself harder onto the man's thumb before forcefully pushing his hand away from her nub as over stimulation set in. Annabelle slumped on the counter, resting her head on Bishop's shoulder and she fought to catch her breath.

"I don't usually do that on first dates." Annabelle muttered, not lifting her head off his shoulder and feeling the vibration in his chest when he laughed as he began to fix his jeans. "I should go get cleaned up."

Bishop glanced down, his eyes twinkling as they caught a peek between her legs- his cum and hers were mixed and running down her thighs. "Not yet."

Annabelle squealed and wrapped her legs back around him as Bishop lifted her off the counter, carrying her toward the stairs. He followed the path to her room that he had taken once before and carefully dropped her onto the bed, watching her with hungry eyes as she bounced on the soft mattress. She looked absolutely beautiful as she lay on the bed with her elbows propping herself up, the way her dark curls fell against her delicately bruised neck like a waterfall as she smirked devilishly at him while her dress was still hiked above her thighs instantly made him hard once again.

"I already broke my rule so there is no harm in doing that again." She teased as she switched positions so she was sitting on her knees. Her fingers reached for his belt, using the leather to pull him closer to the bed before she pushed his jeans to his ankles. He let her touch him, watching as each movement she made was confident while also maintaining caution. He assisted her with removing his shirt as the fingers on her right hand had limited mobility but she was quick to let her hands softly run themselves across his exposed torso as he stood only in his boxers. The cold zipper of the mesh dress caused a shiver to run through her as it lightly brushed the skin between her shoulder blades before Bishop pushed the dress off her shoulders, letting it fall off her body. His rough fingers pinched her thigh as he reached for the hem of the short black dress that hugged her body so deliciously. Bishop took a second to admire the sight as she lay in front of him fully naked on her dark emerald bed sheets.

"Like what you see?"

Bishop hummed in approval as he let his boxers fall to his feet before he stepped closer to the bed. She giggled as his facial hair tickled her skin as his lips pressed a rough trail of kisses from her calf up to her chest. His hands traced the tattoos that littered her body, all were perfectly placed and none of them contained a single shaky line- they made her body look even more heavenly as it squirmed underneath his own. As his lips finally met hers she used all of her strength to flip them so her body was on top of his.

"Damn, sweetheart." Bishop groaned as she got straight to the point, sinking herself onto his length. She placed her hands on the man's chest to support herself as her hips rocked against his, her pace starting slow but quickly picking up speed to cause more friction. Annabelle struggled to drag in breath as she gasped each time her and Bishop's hips collided but she could feel the pressure building and did not want to slow down because it would ruin the intense moment she was approaching. Bishop wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her forward until their chests touched while their hips stayed in sync. Annabelle's head fell against his shoulder as her sensitive nipples rubbed against his chest multiplying her pleasure. Bishop could feel that she was close as she squeezed him and he knew that he wouldn't be far behind. With one arm remaining around her middle to keep her pressed against him he used his free hand to brush her hair out of her face before he lifted her head off his shoulder. His strong hand gently wrapped around her throat to hold her head up so he could connect their lips- the kiss was dirty as their tongues fought harder against each other and their teeth clashed briefly. They swallowed each other's moans as they both met their final release, their hips moving sloppily as they slowed their motion. Annabelle's chest heaved as her body slumped against Bishops, pulling the thin sheet over their bare bodies as the sweat glistening their skin contrasted the cold temperature of the room.

"I wasn't expecting you to be so dirty." Bishop admitted, his fingertips gently brushing stray hair off her face.

"It's been awhile," She admitted with a shrug before smirking, "I saw my shot and I took it. We'll have time for foreplay later."

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