Chapter 18: Smoothing Things Over

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Annabelle had prided herself for so long on her independence and her ability to be alone that she held a heavy disappointment over her own head as each day went by with no word from Bishop. The complete radio silence was driving her insane, each morning she woke up with her bed empty- void of the warmth she desperately craved. She always kept her phone close, the amount of times a day she would glance at the empty notification screen was driving Rosa up the wall, the woman insisting she had no problem confronting Bishop herself to find out what the President might be thinking.

"He needs space."

"No, he needs to get his shit together and call you."

"I dropped this huge bomb on him and fled, I think it's fair to let him think his options through."

"Let me at least call Hank, put out some feelers on Bishops behavior?"

Annabelle smirked at her friend as she saw her chance to flip the conversation, "How are things going between you and Hank?"

"He keeps me company when Camila is with her dad." Rosa shrugged as she retrieved a fresh pot of coffee to offer customers refills.

"You should just tell him that you like him, then you can share your bed more than one night a week."

Annabelle had quickly returned to the daily routine she had cemented before the attack from Christopher and meeting the Mayans had derailed her life, taking Chewie for walks was the only new variation. This day would be different though, it was the day of her first doctor's appointment. Rosa had volunteered to tag along but Annabelle had declined her offer, holding onto the tiny sliver of hope she had that Bishop would be there. Chewie lay on the floor in front of the door, his fluffy head resting on his overgrown paws as his eyes tracked Annabelle's pacing figure, convincing herself she could do this, even if Bishop didn't come then everything would work out.

Annabelle sat in the uncomfortable plastic chair in the waiting room, the lights in the office were much too bright and the sterile smell was beginning to make her feel nauseous- not that her nerves were helping with her turning tummy. Her eyes were glued to the door, watching patients come and go but waiting on one particular person to walk through the door.

"Annabelle Ortiz?" Her eyes were pulled away from the door as the receptionist called her name, "this way please."

She felt frozen in place as her eyes watched the receptionist disappear down the short hallway. She forced her body out of the chair, wiping her clammy hands against the soft material of her pants before following in the direction the receptionist disappeared in.

Bishop had been in a less than stellar mood since the last time Annabelle had visited the clubhouse, something that the rest of the guys had quickly picked up on. None of them really knew what was going on but the lack of Annabelle's presence and Bishops constant late nights hiding away in Templo was a clear sign that there was trouble in paradise. It wasn't until Bishop had very harshly laid the rules out on the table to their new prospect did anyone step in, Taza and Hank followed Bishop's heavy footsteps as he retreated back into the empty room and away from the celebration of Angel's brother having finally been released from prison.

"What?" Bishop sent the men a questioning glare as he took his seat at the head of table, both men occupying their own seats as they shared a knowing glance.

"We haven't seen Annabelle around lately." Hank didn't beat around the bush, knowing that if the President wanted to share then he would.

Bishop sighed, keeping his eyes locked on the table, "She's pregnant."

Silence followed the announcement, both men slightly confused as to why Bishop had been so moody as a child would be a happy announcement among the older men of the club. The couple seemed to be quite enamored with each other, Bishop allowing himself a vulnerability that he hadn't shown in a long time around her and even though they hadn't known her long it was quite clear how she felt about the biker.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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