Chapter 5: Aches and Pains

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Annabelle was displeased with the fact that she had to be wheeled out of the hospital in a wheelchair- the nurse insisting that it was policy when she had tried to refuse. She had been stuck there for another four days before her doctor decided she had been observed long enough to rule out any possible complications from her procedures but warned that if anything seemed unusual to return immediately. Rosa had rushed to the hospital the morning that followed Angel escorting her home while the rest of the bikers erased Christopher from existence, she had heard all of the details of what had happened to Annabelle from Angel and was quick to volunteer picking the girl up upon her release, bringing her fresh clothes and anything else she had needed after her hospital stay. Annabelle's doctor had prescribed her an array of medication- antibiotics to prevent infection of the incision on her broken arm, ointment to help her high risk of infections cuts stay clean and a hefty supply of pain medication as her doctor had told her that pain management in the beginning of any recovery was key to a shorter time on the sidelines.

Annabelle winced as the bright California sun invaded her retina's for the first time in nearly a week, she stretched her casted arm above her head to block out the light.

"Aye, look who it is."

One Mayan had always been sitting in the chair next to Annabelle's bed over the past few days, she had suspected that Tig may have forged some sort of agreement with the charter to keep an eye on her but when she had woken in her room that morning, suddenly very aware that she was alone- no brooding biker sitting in the adjacent chair, she figured that her time with the Mayans had ended. She was not expecting to find the entirety of the charter waiting for her outside upon her release. Annabelle had one of her eyes scrunched closed to avoid the sun as she inspected the group that had been waiting for her. Creeper held a single piece of ribbon with a "Get Well Soon" balloon floating well above their heads, Taza had brought her a small bouquet of gas station flowers and the tiny teddy bear Hank held had contrasted his large frame so much that she couldn't help but laugh. Over the past few days she had spent time with every man of the club- a shorter amount of time with the more senior members but she had gotten to know each man pretty well much to their annoyance as they had not expected their mean, biker façade to fall so quickly when the woman gave them a single knowing look.

"Here." Angel peeled his dark sunglasses off his eyes, leaning down to slip them over her own aching eyes. "Better?"

Annabelle nodded, finally being able to relax as her head eased up on the pain. "Thanks, Reyes." She looked around, her eyes briefly pausing on Bishop as he smiled down at her and she was glad that none of the men could see as her eyes hesitated on the man who looked a lot shorter than the energy he exuded while he was surrounded by the rest of his club. "Lucky me, I get a whole welcoming party."

"We're just happy that we don't have to sit there and keep you company while you annoy the fuck outta us anymore." Angel teased earning laughs and nods of agreement from the rest of the guys.

"Not so fast, pendejo," Bishop stepped forward, "Just because she's out doesn't mean-"

"Bish, I'll be fine." She cut him off, her voice coming out like a whiny child.

"You call us if you need anything, don't hesitate."

She smiled, sending him a mock salute. "Got it, Boss."

"Let's get you home," Rosa softly ran her fingers through Annabelle's matted curls, "I am sure you're excited to finally sleep in your own bed."

"Yes, mom." Annabelle sighed as she thought about it, "Onward my noble steed, take me to my castle."

Annabelle climbed out of Rosa's Toyota, her eyes settling on the familiar small gray house that stood out from the others on the street, it was better kept and more modern than most in this tiny suburb. Rosa watched her as she lifted the gnome from the garden before dropping it violently onto the driveway, uncaring that it shattered into hundreds of tiny shards.

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