Chapter 16: The Test Jitters

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The quiet hallway put Annabelle on edge, she had sent Rosa a message to let her know she had arrived so that she wouldn't wake Camila with a knock. She had called Rosa as soon as she exited the convenience store and Rosa was quick to invite her over, Rosa didn't care what time it was, her friend needed her. With Chewie clutched in her arms and the plastic bag that would tell her future hanging off her wrist she arrived at Rosa's apartment. Rosa pulled Annabelle into a hug, careful not to crush the dog between them before dragging her to the couch. Rosa's younger sister, Stephanie was in town while taking some time away from Art school; Annabelle had met her many times before and it was obvious that she had heard the news by the way she forced an encouraging smile toward Annabelle.

"First thing is first," Rosa took Chewie out of his owner's arms, "get into the bathroom and pee on a stick."

Annabelle nodded, determinedly marching toward the bathroom and dropping the bag onto the counter. She removed one test from each box and lined them up on the counter beside the toilet before she sat down. Her knee bounced as she read the instructions on the box- pee on the stick then wait 5 minutes for the results.

"Are you okay in there?" Rosa asked through the door, Annabelle had been in there for nearly 10 minutes now and they hadn't heard a sound.

"I can't pee."

"You're just nervous, try to relax."

"I don't think I can relax." Annabelle sighed, rubbing a clammy hand down her face.

"I'm coming in."

"I honestly don't think having an audience is going to help me." Annabelle chuckled as Rosa slowly opened the door, handing Annabelle a large glass of water before turning on the sink tap.

"Maybe the sound of running water will make you have to pee."

"I already have to pee," Annabelle admitted, "I can't, I think it's because I know what it's gonna say and that terrifies me."

"When I was in this situation 11 years ago I was terrified too, and I was married." Rosa ran her fingers through Annabelle's curls, "You're not doing this alone, no matter what Bishop thinks or says, you got me okay? I will be the best Auntie this baby could ask for, and Camila the best big cousin- you're gonna be the best mom."

The sound of a steady urine stream broke both women out of their serious thoughts, both of them laughing as Annabelle rushed to grab one of the three tests off the counter.

"This has been by far the most intimate moment we've shared."

"I'll wait outside, come out when you're ready."

Annabelle raced out of the bathroom as her five-minute timer blared. As hard as she had tried to sike herself up to see the results of the tests, her anxiety had instantly returned as she had watched the last 10 seconds count down on the screen. She squished her trembling body between Rosa and Stephanie on the couch, the two women shared a look before Stephanie stood, walking toward the bathroom. Rosa gripped Annabelle's hand into her own, unbothered by its sweatiness or how hard Annabelle proceeded to squeeze as Stephanie reemerged with the three tests in hand.

Stephanie's eyes were glued to the tests as if they were showing results for herself and not someone else before she looked at the two women waiting on the couch. "You're- Annabelle, you're pregnant."

The room was silent as the words sank in, the two sisters watching Annabelle with bated breath as they awaited her reaction to the life-altering situation.

"What am I gonna do? Obispo and I just got together, this is too soon. I don't- we don't-"

Rosa rubbed her hand gently allowing the stuttering woman's back, keeping her voice low to help soothe her, "Take a breath, just breathe. I'm here no matter what, okay? You've got me in your corner every step of the way."

"You've already got a dog together," Stephanie nodded to the pup peacefully asleep in the corner, "That's got to be a sign of his commitment to you."

"Steph's right, he's definitely into you- everyone can see that. He is a grown man and he doesn't strike me as the type of guy to run away from something like this." Rosa knelt on the floor in front of her friend taking in just how exhausted Annabelle looked. "You could use some sleep, you can bunk with me tonight."

Annabelle lay on her side, her eyes glued to the vibrant red numbers of Rosa's alarm clock. She had tried her best to sleep but the knot in her stomach and her raging thoughts were keeping her awake. Rosa had fallen asleep cuddled against her back, the position that was supposed to bring Annabelle comfort only made the ache in her chest worse; she would have done anything to be in her bed at home with her Obispo holding onto her just as tightly, she would trade a kidney just to hear the man whisper encouraging words about their future into her ear before his voice fades into soft snores. She had pictured a baby sleeping in her arms a million times before but that baby always had her dark curls and Juice's bright smile- at some point, she had buried her maternal need deep in her soul as she accepted her chance at having a child with the man she loved was gone. When she had met Bishop and the butterflies made their ultimate return to her stomach she had not expected for things to take such a drastic turn, she had no time to prepare herself for a possibility such as this... no time to picture a yard full of mini Obispo's running around. She had never heard him talk about having any children in the past and she had no idea if the man even wanted children but as she lay in the silence watching the minutes tick by she hung onto Rosa's words. Bishop did not strike her as the type of man to cut and run in a situation like this.

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