Chapter 8: Cookie Overkill

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Annabelle was used to being alone, she had spent all of the nights she had free from work at home by herself for the past 8 years or so. She found herself confused when she started to feel the weight of her loneliness one afternoon while sitting on the couch watching the Spanish telenovelas her mother had once loved so dearly. 8 years of self sufficient entertainment had shattered when the M.C walked into her life- or since she had stumbled into their life. Once daily someone would stop by from the club sent by Bishop himself, the short visits to see that she was handling herself had soon become the part of the day she was most looking forward to. She had figured that her talk with Bishop all those weeks ago had scared him off because he had not appeared himself since that night which was disappointing to Annabelle as his presence was the one she anticipated the most. The other guys were great, they never failed at making her laugh and brightening her day but the connection she felt with Bishop since the first day they met was undeniable which was scary to her.

"Catalina, why waste time on a man like that when you have such a fine one at home?" Annabelle questioned the woman on her television screen as the scene unfolded. Her attention was pulled away from the steamy scene when she caught the sound of hushed voices outside of her front door. She was surprised to find Rosa and her daughter standing on the porch.

"I tried to call you."

"I must've left my phone in the kitchen during my snack run," Annabelle glanced over her shoulder, the absence of her phone on the coffee table showed that her assumption was indeed correct, "What's up?

"I have to be at work in 20 minutes and Camila's babysitter just cancelled... would you be alright with watching her?" Rosa looked hesitant to be asking her friend the favor with such short notice.

Annabelle glanced down at the girl who was staring up at her with wide eyes. "Yeah, it's no problem."

At first Annabelle had been glad to have some company, even if it was the presence of a 10 year old girl but she soon realized that the girl would not be satisfied with sitting on the couch watching telenovelas like she had previously been- which is why the three bikers found the two girls in the kitchen covered in flour.

"Shit, it smells good in here." Angel mused as he stepped into the kitchen, his dusty boots leaving a trail of footprints in his wake. The men's sudden appearance caused Annabelle to jump, clutching her chest in freight.

"Language, there is a child present." She scolded the men with a harsh glare as they laughed at her expense.

"Looks like you got in a fight with a bag of flour and the flour won." Gilly teased as she brushed her hands over her black t-shirt to try and rid herself of the powdery mess.

"I couldn't lift the bag of flour with this cast on so instead of dumping it into it's container we had to get it straight from the bag, causing a big mess." Annabelle defended the mess as she pointed to the bag that sat on the floor, leaning against the kitchen island. "Care to help?"

As Gilly dumped the flour into the more easily accessible container for her he did not expect to be attacked by a plume of the powder. Annabelle chuckled as the man brushed the flour out of his beard and off his kutte. "I'd say the flour won via karma." She teased the man as Angel and Coco laughed at his expense. She glanced at the clock seeing that Rosa would soon be by to pick up her daughter.

"Camila, your mom should be here soon, why don't you pick the most delicious looking cookies to share with her?" Annabelle watched with a smile as the girl excitedly looked over the counter that was covered in chocolate chip cookies, trying to find the biggest ones.

"Planning a bake sale, Princesa?" Angel teased, giving in to his temptation to try one of the delicious smelling cookies only for her to slap his hand away.

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