Chapter 3

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When I reached the Astronomy tower by brother was already there. He was leaning against the railing.

I walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned my head on top of it, taking a deep breath. How could a place and a person make me so calm.

My twin brother was always my support and my safe harbor. I love him unconditionally and I don't know what would my life be without him.

"Good morning little sis." he said chuckling and looking down at me. I rolled my eyes and groaned leaving his arm.

"Only 5 minutes!" he laughed a little and I tried to make a mad face while bitting down my smile from his laugh.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked resting an arm around my shoulders. He was taller than me, an he would always tease me about it.

"Yeah, you?" he nod looking at the beautiful view. I was thinking if I should tell him what had happened with Draco last night or I should just keep my mouth shut.

He didn't liked Draco that much so maybe it's better if I just keep my mouth shut.

"Well do you wanna go get breakfast?" I asked after some awkward silence. He nod and we walked down to the Great Hall to have some breakfast.

There were a few people already there and I sat next to him in the Hufflepuff table.

We started filling our plates with pancakes and waffles, some fruits and jelly.

"So, what is your schedule the day?" Conall asked me while putting some pancake with jelly and fruit in his mouth.

"Well I have, as my first class DADA, then it's lunch and after that I'm going to have Magical Creatures and Charms. What are you going to have?" I responded and eating a strawberry.

"I think I have Charms first, then lunch, Potions next and in the end Transfiguration." he responded murmuring with his mouth full of food.

"We don't have any class together toda--" everyone became silence when a certain person entered in the Great Hall.

I didn't take my eyes off of him, seeing him searching for someone. His eyes landed on me and stayed there glued.

He had a serious expression but a I could notice a softy and really small smile on his lips. I smiled back and he returned to a serious expression and continued his way to the slytherin table, broking the eye contact.

"Hellooo, earth call Del! Are you here?" my brother waved in front of my eyes, making me look at him with wide eyes. "Dam, you look you've seen a ghost. I mean it would be normal, seeing that we are at Hogwarts."

"Actually, I need to go get my stuff at my dorm so see you later." I stood up, waved my brother goodbye and walked quickly out of the Great Hall.

But as I walked out I bumped into someone. His books had fell to the grown and while I said a million sorrys, I kneeled down to catch his books.

" I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you!" I said standing up straight.

"Oh it's fine. It happens sometimes!" his soft voice echoed in my ears. He had brown hair and big brown eyes. He had a toned jawline which I founded very attractive.

"I'm Theodore by the way. Theodore Nott, but call me Theo." he said smiling down at me. He was definitely taller than me but not too tall. "You're Delilah right?"

"Y-Yeah Delilah Quinn." he held out a hand and we shook hands. We smiled at each other, getting mesmerized in each other's eyes. But I broke the silence "Well I better get going, I need to get my books."

"Oh yeah, right. I need to go get some breakfast so see you later I guess..." he said taking steps back, in the direction of the Great Hall.

"Yeah see you later." I waved goodbye, and he waved me back.

I walked to my dorm, grabbing my books from my desk. As I was leaving, I stopped in front of the mirror, watching myself before I leave.


I stepped inside of the DADA's classroom. Some people were already there but I ignored them and walked to a table in the middle of the classroom. I sat down and placed my things on the table, opening my book and study a little while waiting for professor Umbridge to come.

Silence filled the room, making me look at the classroom door. Draco and his friends walked in and professor Umbridge entered not to long after.

"Can I sit here?" I heard a soft voice on my left. I looked at the direction of the voice and saw Theo looking down at me.

"Oh yeah sure." I smiled and he sat next to me. We talked a little until professor Umbridge capted our attention.

"Attention students. Good morning. As you know, I'm your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and this year is going to be different. This year we are not going to practice anything. We are going to learn but not use." the pink lady said with an arrogant smile.

"How are we supposed to know how to defend ourselves of what is out there?" Harry Potter protested against the professor.

Yes, the school had the great idea to put Slytherins and Gryffindors taking the same classes all the time.

"There is nothing that will hurt you out there. Who do you think would hurt you?" Professor Umbridge said in a annoying loud and thin voice.

"Well, I don't know, maybe Lord Voldemort!" Harry responded with arrogance.

I awkward silence fied the room and professor Umbridge started walking towards Harry, her high heels being the only sound in the classroom.

"You've been told that a certain dark wizard is attacking once again. And that's a lie!" her voice echoed in the classroom but Harry protested in a man we of seconds.

"That's not a lie! I saw it! I fought against him!" and with that Harry got interrupted with a loud shout from professor Umbridge.

"Detention! Mr Potter!"

"So according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord." a murmuring filled the room. I looked at my side and saw Theo gossiping with a girl. She was all giggle and he was just being charming. I rolled my eyes.

Great time to do that.

"Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident." Umbridge looked at all of us smiling with an apologetic smile.

"Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lor Vol-" Harry started but the lady interrupted.

"Enough! Mr Potter you may not tell lies." She said in a severe look to Harry. "Now where were we? Oh right! So you may need just the knowledge and not the practice for the OWL's."

The class continued just reading the books, but, like everyone wanted, the class came to an end and we all walked out, me being the last one like always.

"Hi sis! How was your class with Miss pink lady?" Conall said once I stepped out of the classroom.

"Well, Harry Potter got detention. He responded to the teacher and she claimed that he was lying about Cedric's death." I said while walking towards the Great Hall.

The first classes are always the biggest ones, from 10am to 12pm, so we can eat lunch after that.

"Woah, how I wish sometimez to have the same classes as you. You always get more action in class than I do!" he crossed his arms over his chest and made a mad baby face. I laughed and looked in front.

"Well you are in Hufflepuff and taking classes with the Ravenclaws so I think you get where you don't have action in your classes." we both laughed and entered for the second time in the Great Hall to eat lunch.

I really wanted to publish this before working on my George's fanfic.

I love you all, sorry if I made any errors

See you in the next chapter!!!

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