Chapter 1

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The sun hitting my face forced me to wake up.

I sat up straight and looked outside of the window.

The bright sun, the greed grass always perfectly cut, the beautiful melody of the birds singing.

I loved waking up like this.

But every piece of peace went away when someone stormed into my room.

"Delilah! Did you stole my skirt?" my oldest sister asked me with angry in her voice.

"No Kaylee, I never wear skirts, I don't like it. How was I suppose to steal your skirt?" I asked still with a deep and tired voice rubbing my eyes.

"Oh wait I forgot that you don't have sense of style." and with that she walked out of my room, leaving the door open. I groaned and fell back to my pillow.

I hate when people touch something but after that they don't put back in the same place, and my door is always the victim.

" Delilah, sweetie, let's wake up. Breakfast is ready and you need to leave to the platform in one hour." I heard my step mom say, with her kind and soft voice. I smiled and after some more minutes laying on my bed, I sat up and slid my legs to the edge of the bed.

"Hiiii sister!" my twin brother said, jumping on my bed and laying on his stomach while holding his head with his hands. "How did you sleep?"

"Hi Conall." I responded looking down at my feet. I slid my feet into the slippers and walked to the mirror to take a look of myself. "I slept well. Did you?"

"I'm so excited to go back to Hogwarts that I didn't slept that well." he chuckled and I laughed a little, still looking at myself. After some minutes I went to my walk in closet to find my clothes to wear.

"So tell me, why are you so excited? I mean you are always excited but this time is different. Why is that?" I asked looking through my clothes, trying to find a sweater and a pair of jeans.

"Well, you know, school. It's our home isn't it?" he said smiling widely, waiting for me to belive him. But he forgot that I'm his twin sister and I know how to tell if he's lying or hiding something.

"I'm your twin sister. Are you expecting me to belive that is just because of that." I looked at him for a moment with my eyebrow up. He laughed and stood up to help me find something to wear.

He picked a pair of ripped blue jeans, a dark green sweater and my black converse. He walked back to me, smiling and handed me my clothes to dress. He walked out of the closet and went downstairs.

I went to the bathroom, dressing myself and do my morning routine.

Once I was finished I went downstairs. Everyone was at the table already. I sat between Conall and Fiona, my younger sister.

I picked up a toast while Scrabble, our house elf, pored some orange juice on my glass.

"Thank you Scrabble." I said smiling at him and he smiled. Me and my family always had these house elf and we always loved him. He was so cute and we weren't like the Malfoys, that treated their house elf horribly.

"Well let's see. We have 20 min to be at platform 9 3/4 so we better hurry up shall we?" My dad announced, making all of us start running to get everything ready.

I had my trunk done since yesterday, so I just needed to brush my teeth and go.


"And here we are! Excited?" my father said making all of us chuckle.

"Dad you know that it's not the first time here for any of us three." Kaylee said and we laugh a little. Dad rolled his eyes and placed a hand on Aubreys waist.

I never knew my mother, since she left us when me and Conall were only 1 and Kaylee was 3. My dad didn't took that well. He really loved my mother so he started drinking to delete the pain that he was feeling. He couldn't end it so he had to go to Rehab for a year while me and my siblings stayed with my grandparents. After that time he got back we settled down in a house and in the same year he met Aubrey, my step mom. She got pregnant after some months and since she was pregnant they got married and told everyone that they were gonna have a daughter. In 1985, Fiona was born, being me and Conall five and Kaylee seven.

"Hey, get out of the way!" I heard a deep voice and a felt a bump on my shoulder.

His blue gray eyes met my brown ones and the intensity of his stare made me shiver. We didn't broken the eye contact for some minutes.

"Hi Delilah!" I heard one of his friends saying but I didn't respond and didn't took my eyes off of his. "Let's go mate."

And with that he broke the eye contact and walked away with his friends.

"Woah, what was that with the one and only Draco Malfoy?" Conall said bumping my other arm. I shook my head and looked at him with a shocked face.

"I don't know, I never talk to him or even made eye contact with him." I murmured and stared at my ring.

I like wearing rings and I absolutely love guys with rings. I think it's very attractive.

"Let's go guys. You need to be on the train." I heard my dad saying and when I looked at my siblings they were already walking to the train. I said quickly goodbye to my family and got on the train.

Since I don't have friends, I sat with my brother in a compartment, like always. He has friends but he prefer spending this times with me.


When I saw her eyes it felt so different then before.

I never thought about her this way.

I know that she never speaks to anyone or even try to. I've been watching her since I saw her for the first time.

She looks different than the others and seeing her there in the platform, was weird, a good weird.

And her eyes.

Her eyes were brown and sparkling and sended me shivers to how beautiful they were.

You can't like her.

She is a weirdo, right?

"Dude, what's wrong with you? You're kinda off." Blaise interrupted my thoughts bumping on my arm.

"Nothing." I snapped in a low and cold voice but instantly felt guilty about the way I snapped. "Sorry, I'm just frustrated."


"Hey you didn't told me why were you so excited." I broke the sence, looking at my twin brother. He looked up from playing with the package of a chocolate frog that we bought when the sweet lady from the trolley came to our compartment.

"Well, there is this guy, I must admit that he is special." I stopped my actions and opened my eyes widely.

Yes, my brother is gay. He came out to me almost two years ago, even tho I always knew. I still love him unconditionally and I'm so proud of him by just being himself. He came out to our family a year ago on summer vacations and they were so proud of him to.

My family is super respectful and one of my pillars while growing up was, and still is, respect the other, no matter their sexuality or religion, if you want them to respect you as well.

"Who is it? You need to tell me!" I said excited. He chuckled with my reaction and started telling me everything.

This is the first chapter, I hope you like it!


See you in the next chapter.

PS. Sorry if I made any error

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