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   The next morning I woke up to people talking in the living room. You could tell they were trying to stay quiet, but they were kind of failing. I got out of my bed and quietly inched my door open just enough to hear what they were saying.

   "I heard there was a fight on the beach yesterday, and a gun was involved." The sheriff said.

   "Okay. Gun? No. Did I get in a dustup? Yes, but was there a gun?" John B started, "No. No way." He is a terrible liar, like truly terrible.

   "That's okay. I know who it was. I'll get to him." She replies, "All I'm worried about right now is making sure you and your sister are in a safe home."

   Not wanting to hear any more of the conversation I quietly close my door and sit on my bed. I thought about what might happen to JJ. As stupid as it was to shoot the gun, I think he did the right thing, I mean topper was going to drown John B. And knowing the figure eight boys, he wouldn't have stoped otherwise.

   Suddenly something hits the wall. I walk outside to see if John B is okay.

   "John B, Is everything okay," I ask from my doorway.

   "yeah... No, " he said putting his head in his hands.  

   I sat down next to him on the pullout, resting my head on his shoulder. We just sat there for a while. Most of the time I enjoy these moments with John B but this time I didn't. I could tell the conversation with Sheriff Peterkin didn't go so well.

   "So what's the plan," I ask

"We need to get dressed," He said, After that, he looked like he was about to say something but he didn't. He just closed his mouth and stood up beginning to walk to his room.

Shrugging it off I said, " Okie-dokie." 

I go to my room to pick out an outfit, who knew choosing an outfit could be more difficult? after finally getting dressed, I hear someone drive up. 

   Walking out of my room I see John B out in the shed with JJ so I join them.

   "Is that who I think it is!" I yell running over to JJ.

    "Yes, it is!" He responds excitedly. Just as I go to sit next to JJ, Kie pulls up. And eventually, Pope joins us.

   "Wait so you're not like mad at me?" JJ  whispers to me.

   I look at him confused, "Why would I be?"

"You know, the gun" he responded. 

   "You saved John B, I can't be mad at that." As I said that, I saw a small smile creep on his face as he looked away.

   "Look, I'm calling it off," John B suddenly says, "Peterkin said if Bev and I stay out of the marsh, she'll help us with DCS."

   "And you believed her?" JJ asked before I could tell off John B for not telling me.

   "Yes I do," he replied.

  " An actual cop," JJ Questioned, "John B, you believed an actual cop."

  "All we gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a couple of days and she'll help me out." John B ranted, "It doesn't help that your ass was the one shooting a gun."

   " You know what I should have done," JJ argued, "Just let Topper drown your ass"

   I got up from my seat next to JJ, " seriously, that makes everything better" I said sarcastically as I walked away and sat next to John B.

   "Topper was gonna drown me?" John B continued the argument.

   "Sure looked like it, I mean have you looked in a mirror?"

    "Funny, tell me some more, Come on"

   "They always win, don't they, man?" JJ refuted, "Kooks versus pogues. They always, always win!"

"Look, It's okay," Kie said trying to calm the situation.

"No It's not okay" He replied, "It's not! They don't want us going down into the marsh. That means there's something valuable down there, and you know it. I know you do." As he continues he looks to Pope, "And I understand why you don't want to go. You're the golden boy. You got too much to lose." Then he turns to Kie, "And you, I mean, you're already rich as fuck anyway. why would you bother?" And he finally turns to me and John B, " But you, me and Bev, man, we got nothing to lose! We really don't, all right?"

 "JJ." John B says.

"And I know It didn't use to be this way for you guys."

"I don't want to talk about this. I don't want to talk about it." John B says slightly raising his voice. he walks away attempting to cool off.

   "So that's  it?" JJ questioned.

"Just get out of my way bro." John B says pushing JJ.

"John B, listen, I have a plan, " JJ started, "You got the key to Cameron's big boat, right? There's scuba gear inside, man. We borrow that, and then we go down to the wreck this afternoon, and that is what is going to save you and Bev man. You don't see rich kids going into foster care, do you?"

   "Fine," John B said, " I'll be right back." with that John B took the boat and headed to the Cameron's.

   Pope and Kiara started their own conversation about this while JJ sat back down on the table.

I walk over and stand directly in front of him, " For the record, JJ, I do have something to lose," I took a long pause hoping he would ask what it was when he didn't I said it anyway.


I try to walk away but JJ grabs my hands before I could. "Do you really mean that?" He asks.

      "I did" I respond, I slight smile appearing on my face.

      JJ smiles, "Then, I also have something to lose,"

" you."

   I think I've lost my mind. I have to be hearing things. There is no way in the world that the JJ Maybank just said the one thing he has to lose in life is me. No fucking way. I didn't know what to say, I just stared into his eyes. Which, by the way, I could do forever. I'm pretty sure I smiled wider than a kid on Christmas morning.

  I was about to say something when John B pulled up to the Château.

   "Get in!" He yelled from the dock. We all made our way to the boat, The whole way JJ still held my hand. Once we got close to the boat he let go. I'm going to blame John B. 

   After we all piled into the boat, we drove off to the spot where we found the sunken boat.


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