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Alright, you can't understand the Outer Banks without understanding the boneyard. Its this deserted beach on the cut. It's also kinda like a three-layer burrito. There's us and our friends, the working-class derelicts. Then, there are the Kooks, the rich second-homers. They're mostly from poncey-ass boarding schools, just rich trustafarian posers. Our natural enemies. And then, there are the Tourons. Totally clueless. Here for a week on vacation with their families. Totally clueless. 


As the boys set up the Keg, Kie and I brought cups, "Bev, What are you most excited for, this fine evening?" She asked.

"hm, I think playing with the poor touron boy's feelings," I responded. The conversation didn't go very far because we made it to where the boys were setting up the keg. 

Soon, more and more people started to join the party. I did as I said I would flirt with the Boys who were here on vacation. Although, the whole time I felt like someone was watching me. I shook off the feeling and continued to talk.

After a while I got bored, so I went to find JJ. I saw him sitting by himself on a log and I sat next to him.

" Why is JJ Maybank, the king of flirting, sitting all by himself?" I asked.

"don't know." He responded plainly. We sat in silence for a little bit, until I noticed there was music playing.

"Would you dance with me?" I questioned with a smirk.

"Sure, why not." He replied standing up and holding out a hand waiting for me to take it.

As I took his hand I said, " How kind of you, Sir JJ"

Even though a Taylor Swift song was playing, the two of us danced like we were at an 1800s ball. He had one hand on my waist and the other extended out to hold my hand. My other hand was placed on his shoulder.  People were definitely staring at us but we really didn't care, we were having fun.

After about two songs, JJ lets go of my waist but continues to hold my hand and pulls me over to get a drink. He hands me one, forgetting that John B would kill me.

"JJ, John B will kill me," I say

"Then I say we go ask." JJ smirks.

We walk over to John B, hands still intertwined, and stand in front of him. He stares at our hand and we immediately pull away. 

"so... what's up?"  John B asks.

Just as JJ was about to ask him about the beer, he looks behind John B and start to walk over. I follow him and notice Sarah Cameron, the kook princess, and her boyfriend Topper. Lord have mercy on my soul for whatever JJ is about to do.

"Sarah, can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?" JJ asks Sarah.

"No Thanks" She answers

"Is it not fancy enough for you?" JJ replies.

"JJ, stop" I whisper

"No. We were just leaving." Sarah continues

"Hey, you know what? I'll take it." Topper says, "I'll... Thank you, man. I appreciate it."

"That's nice, but I didn't ask you." JJ responds, " If you said pretty please, maybe, but you didn't."

"JJ, seriously, let it go" I whisper again.

"Oh, pretty please," Topper says sarcastically

"Yeah. Sarah, You can have it." JJ says trying to hand it to Sarah.

"She doesn't want it, you..." Topper says hitting the cup out of JJ's hand.

John B walks over  to try to defuse the tension and Topper says, "Dirty Pogues"

The next thing I know John B and Topper are fighting. JJ is holding me behind him as if I was anywhere close to being in danger. As the fight continues more and more people gather around. They were all shouting fight. Kie and Pope were trying to stop the fight but nothing they were saying worked, they were drowned out by the teens excited for a fight. Soon I saw Topper was trying to drown John B. 

" JJ do something!" I yell at him.

He takes a second to think, and before he walks off he looks at me, " Don't be mad."

I was really confused why would I be mad? Oh god. I just realized what he was about to do.  I looked up and sure enough, he did what I thought he would. JJ had the gun to the back of Topper's head and clicked the safety off.

"Yeah, you know what that is. Your move, broski," he said.

"JJ! Put the gun down," Sarah said trying to defuse the situation.

" Did you say somethin', princess?" JJ responded. Normally, JJ saying that would normally give me butterflies, but the way he said it to Sarah didn't sound as nice.

Topper starts to move away from John B, "We're good. We're good. Put the gun down!"

" Beverley! Can you check your psycho friend please?" Sarah yells at me. 

Before I have time to respond JJ yells, "Okay, everyone, listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island" and fires the gun twice. Everyone runs away. The only people left were me and my friends.

Kie and Pope start to yell at JJ. I notice John B fall backward into the water and run over to him. 

"Guys! Help!" I yell frantically. I was so scared I was almost frozen in place but I couldn't just let my brother die there. The three of them run over to help get John B to safety. Pope and JJ each take one of his arms and carry him back to the van. 

   Once we get back to the Château and get John B in his room, I go to change while everyone else leaves.


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