11• The Cunning Search 🍉🏺

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Once when King Akbar
Was quite angry by something,
"Leave the kingdom and go away."
To his favourite, Birbal said the king.

So Birbal left the capital
and lived in a small town,
While Akbar cooled down and tried
To find him all around.

But in vain the king Akbar
Thought of a different way,
He announced a competition
And allowed everybody to play.

He asked for someone clever
To bring him a pot of wit,
This way Birbal will participate
And win, he was sure about it.

Birbal put a small watermelon
In a pot with its vein,
Soon the watermelon grew
The pot's size it had been.

It was presented to the king
And was asked to take that out,
Without breaking the pot
It was Birbal's brain no doubt.

So he searched the whole place
And found Birbal living in that town,
He apologized and asked him
To come back to his minister's crown.

So that's how 'The Clever Birbal'
Proved himself the smartest of all,
And with his great skills, he won
The hearts of the crowd in the hall.


Poet's Note

Hey reader,
I am searching for a reader as well and I think I just got one. Don't leave without voting man.


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