Chapter 49: No More Pretending

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Dallas's POV

I can only feel my intense feelings for Nicole from before being multiplied as the Mark on my wrist slowly starts healing.

She licks her bloody lips and stares down at me. I move my wrist to my stomach as it continues its horrible bleeding. Any minute, it'll stop.

Nicole wipes her mouth with her hand and I open my mouth to offer a suggestion. Before any words can come out, she kisses me. Again.

I don't care about my blood on her lips and teeth.

I'm panting when she moves her lips down my jaw and then to my neck. My eyes close. A soft sigh leaves my nose when I feel her lips on my throat.

"Mine." She says again. I hiss.

She pulls away and rests her head against my chest, her arm draped over my stomach as if protecting my sensitive sides. I tilt my head back, opening my eyes to stare at the ceiling. My arms wrap around her, my wrist still stinging. My breathing starts evening out as I start drifting into a pleasant sleep; one that I haven't had in a long time.

Nicole does the same.


"She didn't!"

A gruff voice startles me awake. The heaviness of my eyes threatens to shut them again, but with a groan, I open them completely. The bright light feels as if it's going to blind me, until I'm able to adjust my eyesight.

I'm curled around Nicole, her face buried in my chest, her arm still draped over my side.

"Mm?" I mumble, lifting my head to meet the glare of my father.

"She's not supposed to be in here, Dallas." He says coldly. "Tell me she didn't Mark you." When I don't blink and just stare at him, he shakes his head. "Dallas... She shouldn't have. You know better. She can't be in here." He takes a step forward and then another as if to try and take her back, but I growl menacingly, the sound vibrating deep in my chest.

Dad looks at me as if I've gone crazy. "Son, she can't be in here while you're trying to heal. She shouldn't have Marked you because now your body is working on healing the Mark rather than your sides. And who knows if in her Marking 'rage' she hurt you or something."

"She didn't and I am fine," I grumble. "You are not moving her."

A movement pauses me. Nicole turns so her back is against me and I wrap my arm tighter around her; so tight, I feel her breath on my wrist.

I stare pointedly at Dad.

"Dallas. If she stays in here, then you won't heal as fast." I open my mouth to protest, but he cuts me off. "Don't try arguing. You'll be moving around, standing, twisting." He's right. And he knows that. But I don't let it show.

"I don't care if you're my father or not, you aren't taking her," my stubborn side kicks in. He shakes his head, running a hand through his blond hair and staring at me with knowledgable silver eyes.

"You'll see her tonight. I mean, because of the Marks, you can't sleep without the other's scent. But the doctors need to check on you and your side. I have to take her," he informs me, his eyes glancing towards the door. Another growl comes from me. What is he up to?

"War or not, side or not, you can't. You of all people should know this." I say the last part quietly. The loss of my mom is still embedded in our hearts.

I made him angry. Not the best thing to do at a time like this.

And then my door swings open and in rush many people, easily recognized by their white coats and mannerism as doctors.

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