Chapter 2: Lost and Found

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"Oh no."

  You frantically looked around, trying (key word: trying) to keep calm. You started to hyperventilate and spiral into your fears. What if you never get home? What if some creepy people followed you?! What if a murderer showed-

  "No! I need to keep going!" You gave yourself a quick pep-talk. "If I'm going to die here I'm at least going to do something. I can't just sit still anymore. Not this time." While keeping your head down worked with your parents, you were smart enough to know it wouldn't work here. You took a deep breath. "Okay... think." You scanned the area carefully this time. But the only thing that was familiar was the opening to the "market place". 

"Ugh." You remembered you were tricked.

  But there was no time for that now! You needed to get moving. And it was getting really dark.

  You made your way out of the fake market place, and tried your best to find your way home. But honestly, you were wandering for the most part and hoping that you would magically find it. But what you did find was an old man talking to a carrot like a friend, little kids trying to stab each other, and an empty alleyway to rest in. It wasn't the safest idea, but you had to sit down. Those kids were looking to shank anyone and anything.

"Huff... huff..."

"Well look what we have here~"

  Your eyes snapped wide open to see three street kids with knives out. They weren't from the stab-happy gang of little kids, but that didn't make this situation any better. You tried to speak, but couldn't get a word out. The supposed leader spat, "Aw look! Did the poor little rich kid lost their way?" "How- how'd you know I'm-" "Please, everything about you is a dead giveaway." he deadpanned. "And since you're rich that means you got money, and we want it. So we'll make this easy for you since you're obviously new here."

   "No, you got it wrong! I don't have anything on me right now!" That unfortunately didn't stop them. "That's what they all say. Now, I promise this'll be painless... for me." He brought out his knife, and you were basically a chicken with their head cut off. You wanted to run, but your legs refused to move! So instead your genius brain tried reasoning with him, of all things.
" Uh- You don't have to do this!!!" He paused, "And why not?" "I-I don't know! Basic human decency??! Can't you find it in yourselves to do the right thing?..."

  At this they all hesitated. Hoping you were successful, you tried to say something.

"Pffffffffft!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!" They were seriously laughing? No not laughing, they were cackling. Howling even, at the fact that the new kid thought there was goodness in Ramshackle. They were all doubled over, wiping tears away. You thought this could be your chance, but you were just standing there in disbelief. Too confused to move.

   As their laughing fit died down, the leader was getting up and staggering towards you. "Alright that was pretty fun... time to stab 'em." You were in flight or fight mode, but of course, neither seemed to work. You were trying to see any opening at all, but you couldn't. Not knowing what else to do, you screamed.

"What??! No! NO PLEASE!!! HEEELLLP!!"


  Immediately, you all turned around to see a very peeved hobo girl with bushy brown hair. And with her were two other hobos. The shorter one could barely keep his eyes open, and the tall one had the biggest grimace you had ever seen.

  The leader barked back, "WELL WE WOULD'VE FINISHED A LONG TIME AGO IF THIS IDIOT GAVE US THE MONEY!!!" You stupidly butted into the yelling match, "But I don't have any!! If you could just listen inste-" "CAN YOU JUST SHUT UP??! UGH! This isn't even WORTH IT ANYMORE!! Let's just go home. Mugging night's over." One of his goons objected, "Aww but I love mugging night!" "I know, I know, but some people just don't know how to cooperate."

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