Chapter 9: Missing Something

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"So... what exactly is this for?"

You were staring blankly at a large junk pile; filled with everything from broken china to rotten fruit.

Vinnie swept her arms with grandeur towards the dump, "This, is for your first hobo lesson."

What? When she asked you to follow them, you thought you would learn cool street kid secrets. Not go dumpster diving!

"Okay... but... how is this gonna help me? Don't I need to learn about stealing or something like that?"

She snorted at your question. "Ah, that's cute! You think you're ready for that stuff! Naw, what you need is a new look."

"But, I look fine."

"Bingo! No one is gonna take pity on someone that looks like they have a gazillion dollars. They'll just think you're a crook looking for some extra loot!"

Skipp interrupted, "Aren't we already crooks Vinnie?"

"Well yeah, but this is different. It's completely justified when street kids do it."

"I don't think that's necessarily true..." is what you wanted to say, but you thought it'd be better to keep that to yourself. Considering the thin ice you're slipping on.

"Besides," she continued. "You might as well be wearing a big, flashing sign that says 'rob me'. Every street kid here would pounce on you if they had the chance."

You got slapped by the memory of almost dying, which happened merely two days ago! Who knows what else could happen if you end up alone again?

Having a disguise wasn't the worst idea.

But on the other hand...

"Hey Y/N! I think I found something just your size!"

Skipp was in the pile, holding what looked like the most ancient shirt in the world.

It was covered in stains you could not begin to describe. Nor did you want to. And it smelled like death itself. It was... concerning to say the least.

While you were using every fiber of your being to not gag, you began to protest. Naturally.

"Is there something a little less, I don't know, um..." You were struggling to form words.

  "Perfect? No can do, buckaroo."

   Hellish. You were going to say hellish.

  You were quickly learning that Vinnie had a tendency to put words into other people's mouths... a lot. But this was a bit over the line.

   "That's not what I was gonna say..."

    "Aw come on! What's not to love? This is genuine hobo material. And! What's this?"

    She dug through the mountain of (what could be) literal crap and found a pair of pants to go along with the ensemble.

    "Matching pants! I know, I'm great at finding good stuff. No need to thank me."

   You didn't plan to.

   The same thing could be said about the pants. Musty, dirty, the works. And you weren't even trying to mask your horror at this point. Skipp, being the only one who isn't oblivious, or who cares about you, noticed your discomfort.

   "You don't like it?"

    Hoo boy. You did not want to disappoint him of all people, so you attempted to lay it on lightly.

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