Chapter 7: Eye of The Hurricane

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Finding your way out of the slums was a bit easier this time around. No thanks to Stone. His directions couldn't have been more vague. You found your way out by remembering certain "landmarks" this place had. The most notable one being "the alley you almost got murdered in". From there, you traced your steps back to the place you started with David.

After squeezing out of a narrow alleyway, you spotted your driver. Relief filled your lungs, but dread swooped in just as quickly.

To say that you didn't want to do this was an understatement. What you wanted to do was put off this confrontation as long as you can. But what you needed to do, was to keep a clear head and just tell David the truth.

And while you were having a silent debate if you should go back and pretend to be gone longer, David -unfortunately- noticed you.

"Hey kid! Over here! How'd it go?"

That was all your eyes needed to start crying out a river. So much for keeping a clear head...

After minutes on end of ugly sobbing, and David desperately trying to console you, you managed to choke out, "I lost your muh- huney. I'm so so- *gasp* sorry."

"Hey, hey! It's alright. Just calm down a bit. People are staring."

Those were a very poor choice of words. You started crying again out of embarrassment. Jeez you were crying a lot today...

"No no no no no no! Calm down kid, calm down! Here." David patted your back a bit awkwardly. Consoling a sobbing rich kid wasn't exactly apart of the job. "It's okay. I'm sure you didn't mean to."

You pitifully looked up at him. "You mean you're not, *sniff* mad?"

"No. I'm not." You didn't believe him though.

"But it was yours! You put all of that work into something I lost in minutes, and-"

He stopped you right there. "Look, things like this happen. I gave that money to you anyway. So it became your money, got that?" The old man sighed.

"I'm just upset that you weren't able to use it... How do you plan to pay those street kids back anyway?"

Oh boy. Instead of wasting time in the town, you decided it was best to explain on the way...


"So... you're getting 'hobo lessons' from people you don't even know?"

David had every right to be cautious of this deal you made with random street kids. But they weren't random street kids. They were three of the four people you knew in this town! Although to be fair, you agreed this was all of a sudden.

"They're not people I don't know. I know their names at least. Right?"

"You know what I mean. It's all just crazy you got yourself wrapped up in this."

You chuckled, "I'm starting to learn this whole town is pretty crazy. Maybe it just has that effect on people."

David chuckled along with you, "Maybe."

A small silence came, and it caused you to start thinking... Which was almost never good.

  How were you gonna go to and fro from your house to those slums? You didn't want to ask David for a huge favor again. And how many times could your parents let you go without getting suspicious of you?

You couldn't just keep saying that you'll hang out with "friends". That was way too unlike you, and way too risky. You could easily get caught if they spot you on the streets!

This brainstorm of yours turned into a hurricane. And the storm spread to your legs, causing you to bounce your knees.

"Hey! You're bouncin' the seat again." David lightly elbowed you to get your attention.

You snapped back to the real world and looked at him in surprise. "Oh... sorry."

"I could see those gears turning from a mile away. What's eating at you kid?"

You might as well tell him the rest.

"I just... I don't know how I'm gonna pull all this off. I can't just keep going out while my parents keep me under lock and key. I need to come up with something that's believable to them. I'm also sick of walking these streets. And I've only been here for two days! It's just a lot to figure out in such a small amount of time."

You put your head in your hands, not knowing what else to do. As for the driver, he might have had the answer.

He knew it would be far more work than what it was worth, but he couldn't help but pity you. And, you were the only one in your family who treated him like a person. Not to mention you saved his livelihood.

So, he figured it wouldn't be the end of the world if he helped you out a little more. He might even get some excitement out of it. Plus, he liked the company. Lord knows he needed it.

"Ehhh. I might regret this later on but..." You looked up at him with hope, waiting for him to finish.

"I can... help you out if ya want. I can take you where you need to go, and help lie to your folks for you."

You couldn't believe your ears. Here you were so afraid of asking for something. And here he was just handing it to you on one of your platters!

"What do I say to that?!! I can't even believe that you would even- I mean-"

"Maybe you can say thank you?"

Oh. Right.

"Thank you." you breathed.

"Don't mention it."

As you rounded the corner, you could see your house. You needed to think of something with him quick!

"Crud! What's our lie gonna be?"

He paused for a minute, scratching his face while thinking of a good lie. Suddenly his eyes lit up.

"You said you were getting lessons right?"

"Yeah? But what does that have to do with-"

"Say those brats from this neighborhood suggested you go to an etiquette school. Ya know, to help with your..." He stopped himself from saying something too rude. "Your nervous tendencies."

The more you thought about it, the more it started to click into place. You nodded your head as you started to get it. "Yeah... Yeah! That could work! But wait... don't I need like a form or something for this fake school? They won't buy it without seeing any proof."

"Just leave it to me." He gave you a sly wink.

Dang. This was turning out great! You never thought your driver-

... Well, if you two were gonna go through this together, you thought it would be better to call him your friend...

It felt good to.

You smiled at him. And it was genuine too. You found that you liked this feeling... a lot. "Thanks."

"You're welcome kiddo. Just relax when you tell them. Get it?"

"Got it."


The carriage came to a calm stop in front of your house.

Here we go. Just relax. As you took a deep breath, you hopped off the seat and marched to your front door. Not unlike a soldier entering the battlefield.

You looked back to David to wave goodbye. He replied with a thumbs up, as if to say "you can do it!"

And with that, the horse clopped away, and you took hold of that obnoxiously large knocker.

"I can do this."

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