Chapter 12: Taking The First Step

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In the three days you have lived here, not one good thing has happened to you. It was almost comical. It seemed like whatever could have gotten worse, got worse...

At least that was the case until Franz dragged you out of the hell-scape that was your outfit.

You stood in front of his cracked mirror, enraptured with yourself. You went from rags to... slightly better rags, but you didn't care. You loved it! The style, how it fit you, the color... well, everything really!

All you could ask yourself was how on earth he did it. How on earth did he capture you??

"How do you do it?!" giddiness frilled your voice.

"Let's just say it's always been a talent of mine." Smugness seeped into his voice. But you thought it was only fair. You'd gladly let him have all the bragging rights.

"No duh!" you quipped. "I look awesome! I seriously think you can make this a gig!"

Never in Franz's life did someone gush over his talent this much. Not even Overalls was that interested in the finer things of life. To say he was touched was an understatement.

"That's... not a bad idea actually. Maybe you're not so useless after all!"

You paused.

"Uh... thanks I guess?..."

You kind of backpedaled the praise with that. Sure it was a compliment, but leave it to hobos to turn anything into an insult. But all in all, you got the gist of it.

"Alright, enough of this thank you crap. You gotta get. And I got a business idea to chew on." Franz thought out loud.

Right. The others could be waiting for you.

You started to leave... But you turned to face him one last time.

"Hey... uh..."

He gave you a weird look. Didn't he just tell you to get out of here?

"Seriously... thank you... Um, have a good night."

And with that, you raced to the last place you were at. Leaving behind a confused Franz.

   While it was obvious to him that you were very awkward, you were also somewhat endearing.


Just what kind of hobo were you?


Stone had long since blacked out on the crate he plopped on.

His limbs were sprawled out like a sea-star. Mouth open like a dying fish. Both bag and bottle were dangling from his calloused hands...

It truly, was an appealing sight.

And in this state, he felt what you could almost call peace. To him, it was the most "peace" he can afford. There were no thoughts to think about. No pounding headaches. And best of all, no people to interact with.

His unconscious self was thoroughly appreciating this break from reality...

That is, until he was shoved out of it.

    He was suddenly on the ground, with his bottle in pieces.

   "UGH! What the f-" Stone spazzed, looking for whoever dared to push him.

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