Chapter 11: Welcome to The Jungle

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Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

That was the mantra you kept repeating to yourself as your literal worst nightmare came true.

Eyes were glued to you.

Scouring you.

Judging you.

And in any situation, where you're faced with any kind of adversity, you did what was best:

Clutch onto the thing you're holding, stare at the ground, and try your damndest to manifest that you could magically disappear.

While your brain was in the stratosphere, Vinnie broke the deafening silence with a nervous chuckle.

"Hey Franz... Everybody..."

It was a rare moment indeed when Vinnie genuinely got nervous. But she didn't let that get in the way of her pride.

She stepped up to the metaphorical stand. Ready to testify your case.

Now that you peeled your eyes off the ground, it didn't look too far off from a court room. The hobos, your jury, Franz -apparently- your judge, and Vinnie, your lawyer. And dear god, did that thought not make you feel any better.

"So, uh... fellow hobos... This is our new neighbor. Showed up from some no-name town, and is sticking it with my crew for now. Say hi, Y/N!"

Your mouth suddenly became the Sahara Desert.

Your wonderful talent of making things awkward, only thrived in this environment. And all those lectures of "first impressions" that were drilled in your head, spewed like oil.

You don't know how long you stood there. But it was long enough to where Vinnie elbowed your arm.

"Say something, man. You're making me look bad." she said through gritted teeth.

You tried to say hi, but your voice cracked like an egg.

A few snickers rose up from the crowd.

Great. That was the confidence boost you needed. Okay. You could do this. Just try again...

"H-Hi... Um..."

You looked back at Skipp to see him giving you a thumbs up.

With a shaky breath you continued,

"I'm Y/N... It's uh... It's nice to meet you all?..." you spoke with a whisper.

   The trio internally groaned. That was not the right approach at all. And "fortunately" for you, a street-kid let you in on that.

"Am I going deaf, or is this kid going mute?"

The snickers erupted into laughter.

You wanted to defend yourself. You really wanted to be your own Knight in Shining Armor. But all you could do was take it.

     Like you've always done.

   "Newbie definitely looks ready for this town." some hobo laughed.

    Another responded,

    "Whaddya say we give the newbie a nice Ramshackle welcome! Show 'em how these streets really work."

Alarms were blaring in your head.

    You had NO idea what they meant by a "nice welcome". But you knew it didn't mean anything good. That was for sure.

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