Chapter 5: Staring Right Through

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"You sure it's near here?" The driver gawked at the surrounding slums.

    You were sure that you were close, as far as you could tell. You recognized the stops you made while running for your life. As well as the pungent smells of the hobos, and the sludge that oozed on the streets.
"What does a well-off kid like you, need from a place like this anyway?" "It's a long story." is all you said.

"Fine by me." he shrugged. Wait what? He didn't want to get something out of you? "So... you're not gonna say anything?" "Why would I? I've learned it's better if I ask less. Makes the job easier." This was so weird. You weren't expected to answer a direct question! It felt kind of wrong to you.

As you went along, you could feel hundreds of eyes on you. And it wasn't your imagination this time. Multiple street kids stared right at you two. It was a rare sight to see someone with money willingly pass through these slums. You were shifting your eyes to anywhere except the hobos. You thought for sure that they were judging you. You could just hear it pounding in your head.

"Hey. Quit bouncing your leg. You're shakin' the seat." "Huh?" The driver was giving you a concerned look. How long did he notice your little episode? "You okay kid?"

"I'm... good. Yeah. Good." There was a pause from the driver. "You know it's okay to be honest right?" It was your turn to give the driver a look. "I said I'm fine." "Sheesh kid, I'm only trying to help. No need to get butt-hurt over it." "That's not my name." "Then what is your name?" "...It's Y/N."

   Just then, you realized this old man was doing you a huge favor and you didn't even know his name. "What's yours?" "David."

"David." you repeated. "Yep. And don't wear it out." You apologized, "I'm sorry I didn't ask your name earlier." "Eh, that's just how life goes I guess." "What do you mean?" "I mean rich folks don't care much about us poor folks." You felt kind of stupid, I mean it was an obvious answer. "Oh..." was all you could manage.

After a couple more minutes, a silence fell over you two. You were looking around, hoping that you would somehow recognize "the alley you almost got murdered in." But they all just looked the same to you! How could you possibly find the alley when-

"HEY WATCH IT KID!" "AAAAAAA!!" The carriage took a hard right, barely missing a street kid! The whole thing came to an abrupt stop. After making sure you were alive, you jumped off the seat to see if the kid was okay, when you recognized him.

"Gasp! Skipp?" The poor boy was crouching down with his arms folded over his head. He meekly peeked one eye out, and suddenly he was clinging to you like a bear trap. "Y/N!!!" he cried.

  You felt like your lungs would collapse under his pressure at any moment. "Yeah. Hi Skipp, hi. Do you mind letting go?" "Of course not friend!" You caught your breath as he peeled away from you.

David was now standing behind you. "You know this kid?" "Yeah, he's with the person I owe that $50 to." He almost looked offended. "That's why you need my money? To pay some street rats?" Skipp happily answered, "Not just any street rats, the street rats that helped Y/N get home!" David gave you a confused face. You tried to quickly explain.

"Okay, long-story-short, mean rich kids tricked me, I got lost, and these three hobos helped me get back home. Including this guy." Skipp waved at your driver, "Hi!" David awkwardly waved back. "Hi... sorry I almost ran over ya." "Oh it's no problem. Sometimes we do that on purpose!" You both stopped at that.

After a minute of an uncomfortable silence, David slowly turned and whispered, "Okay... I don't think this is a good idea. Let's just hightail it outta here."

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