so I'm dead, what now?

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We open hear a alarm

???:alright, alright I'm up!

We see a boy with brown spiky hair and blue eyes, looking around the age of 20 or late teens. He gets up and walks over to his closet getting clothes. Once he is done he goes to the bathroom.

???: oh hello I didn't see you there. My name is lee, I'll talk in a bit but now I have to get read for martial arts practice. Oh what kind oh that's a simple answer, yes.

Lee gets in the shower and is out in 7 minutes. He drys off and gets dressed in what looks like white gi with a black belt.

Lee: oh yeah I'm a black belt well in several martial arts. Fighting has always come naturally to me, and I've been doing martial arts since I was 5. I am now 23 and haven't done much with my life I live off money I win in tournaments. Well I have to go see you later.

-Lee POV-

I leave the house after grabbing myself a quick breakfast. Consisting of four hard boiled eggs I prepared the night before and a protein shake of my own design. I make it to the dojo where I am a student and see my sensei waiting for me tapping his foot on the floor.

Sensei: late again I see, one day you will come to regret your tardiness.

I get on the ground and bow to him.

Lee: I am very sorry sensei, I will try harder next time.

Sensei: don't try do. For being late once again I will have to think of a way of punishing you. Oh I have it you will do twice the training today and vail to always do your best at all you do.

I vail to do my best even though I have done it many times before.

Sensei: now on to training. Get up come inside.

I get up and follow my sensei inside the dojo. First we do a warm up with normal exercises like pushups and setups. After that we move Kendo because he says even though I'm a black belt I still need to focus on the basics to have a strong base. Once we are done with my routine we move onto judo which is a art I have not yet mastered.

We do several more training regiments and after 8 hours of being at the dojo I am sent home. I start to walk home and I hear screaming that is coming from a alleyway. I look at what is going on and see a woman pinned against the wall with 3 men holding her there. I am to say the least enraged at the sight, 3 full grown men ganging up on lady who can't be any older than I.

I sneaks up on them but I wasn't lucky enough doto the darkness I kicked a bottle.

Fatty: oh do we have ourselves a little hero? Run along and forget what you saw.

Lee: I cannot turn my back on those who need my help. Despite my ability to win I will stop you. Because that is what my sensei has taught me.

Tall ugly: your a funny fellow aren't you? Well you have come to die!

He pulls out a knife.

Midget: yeah you will not steal this from me! This is my only chance to lose my virginity!

Lee: you sick scoundrel, you will pay for putting this womans honor to shame.

I get in a fighting stance and the fat guy "runs" at me. He tries to go for a punch but I kick him in the face.

Fatty: you son of a bitch, I think you broke my nose!!

Lee: oh shut up your nose wasn't anything to talk about. And you dare insult my deceased mother?! You will pay for that mistake, with your life!

He tries to go for another punch to I jump over him kicking him in the back making him stumble forward. When he stumbles I take that opportunity to sweep his legs from beneath him. He falls and I stomp the back of his head killing him.

Tall ugly: you killed Kinney, you bastard!!

He runs at me and goes for a right hook but I duck and kick him in the gut. I then sweep his legs from under him making him fall on his ass. I give him a spin kick to head knocking him out.

Lee: well that was pitiful.

Midget: now you have to deal with me!

He runs at me with a knife trying to slice at my torso I backfliped kicking him knife out of his hand.

Lee: some use that was.

Midget: I don't need that anyways defeating a weakling like you will be a piece of cake!

I get in a fighting stance.

Lee: come on show me what you got little man.

He runs at me but I just simply kick him onto his ass. I decided to get this over quick so I just kick him with full force in the head. I walk over to the lady.

Lee: are you alright m'lady?

Lady: yes thank you, who knows what they would do if you didn't show up.

Lee: I only did what any half decent man would.

I hear a gun shot then look down and see a hole in my chest. I heard foot steps running away as red and blue lights flash.

Lady: no! Don't die!

She starts cry as she grabs me in a hug.

Lee: looks like my tale ends here. I'm lee my I have your name?

Lady: my name is mercy.

Lee: mercy that's a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. I see you have a bright future ahead of you. Bye for now I hope we get to see each other again, maybe in another time another world perhaps.

Mercy: so do I, I would love to get to know you.

Lee: same for y-

I die, but it's not what I was expecting. I see nothing but black all around, no light whatsoever.

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