Chapter 1

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*In ALfhiem Online

A group of players fighting a squid-looking monster.

"Hiahhhhhhhhh!!! Switch!!" Kirito sliced one of the monster tentacles and back off as fast as he can, switching his position with Asuna. Asuna did the same things, she sliced another tentacle. With that attack, now the squid has left to use its leg as the attacking weapon, it starts spinning so fast that Silica, Lisbeth, and Leafa who is at that time trying to distract the monster so Kirito and Asuna can attack, get knocked out by it.

Kirito, Asuna, and Klein manage to dodge the attack. The squid monster stop spinning, and suddenly making an attack on Klein, one of the squid monster leg striking him, Klein manages to use his katana and hold the attack, but as he doing it, another leg attacking him who is now defenseless.

"Klein run!!" Sinon shouts as she shot a ball of fire at the squid who attacking Klein. Klein back off as fast as he can. The squid monster starts to lock attack on Sinon, it jumps 5ft from the ground and land near Sinon, it grabs Sinon on her waist tightly, and start spinning again. Sinon HP starts to drown to the redline.

Everyone attacking the squid monster hoping for it to let go of Sinon who is now dying by the strong grip of the squid, and it did, the squid monster throws Sinon into the sky.

"SINON!!" Klein screams as he tries to catch Sinon but didn't make it, Sinon lands headfirst, with that her Hp has turned to 0%, she's dead.

Klein run to her, holding her lifeless body." Sinon... I'll make it payback for what it did to you" he then put Sinon on the ground carefully.

"Hey, you!!" Klein shouts as loud as he can to get the squid monster's attention. The monster turns and looking at Klein. " Yes, you!!! You damn monster!! I gonna finish you right now!!"

He holds his katana tightly and starts to run toward the monster "aghhhhhhhhh!!" He screams as he cut off the squid's leg one by one leaving only the head of the squid. Now the squid is paralyzed, it can't move without the leg. Klein jump on top of the monster head, " this is for Sinon" he said as he stabs his katana on the monster head, hitting the monster's core. With that attack, the monster died.

Everyone in the group speechless when they see Klein attack and kill the monster by himself. " Wow, Klein I didn't know you can do that kind of attack," Kirito says to Klein. But Klein ignores Kirito and runs toward Sinon, who is now still dead.

"Sinon!! wake up!! Sinon!! don't di-" Lisbeth knocks Klein's head before he finishes his word. " Oh my god, why do you have to be so overdramatic, relax".

"But Sinon died!!" Klein shout. Lizbeth paused, she then starts kicking Klein away from Sinon "yeah×2 I know it's rare for us to let one of us died... Horaa gets your butt away from her, give Asuna some space". Asuna stands in front of Sinon's body and starts reading a magic spell. Sinon's body begins to glow, as the glow faded Sinon open her eye.

"Fuhh, did I died.." Sinon scratching her head in confusion. "Yeah you did, sorry we didn't get to save you" Leafa reply to Sinon. "Nahh it's okay, by the way, thanks Asuna for reviving me" Sinon thanked Asuna as she tries to stand up, Silica help Sinon getting up. Sinon smiled at Silica as a sign of thanks for helping her stand up.

Suddenly Klein run toward Sinon, attempting to hug her "Sinon~~thanks god!". But Sinon dodges it at the last second, making Klein fall to the ground. " I told you not to hug me like that" Sinon glaring at Klein.

She then looks at the monster who is now lifeless and all the leg has been decapitated. " Wow that's a mess, did you do that Kirito??" Kirito shakes his head and pointing his finger to Klein " That pervert guy that was about to hug you just now, is the one who did it". Klein who is now sitting on the ground, pointing his hand on his face " it's me, it's me" a big grinning can be seen on his face.

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