Chapter 2

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Klein park his car in front of Sinon flat.he make sure to not block the roads, and in a spot that easy for Sinon to see it. He then takes out his phone and call Sinon.

"Hey, babe I'm already arrived"

"Ah okay,wait just give me a second"

" Okay, im waiting"

Sinon then hangout the phone, in a few second, Klein can see Sinon's door open and closed. Sinon go down the stairs and start running in a slow pace towards Klein car.

" She's so cute went she run like that" klein smile seeing his girlfriend. The car door open and Sinon gets in, and sitting on the passenger side

"Sorry if i make you wait" Sinon apologize while looking at Klein, " why are you smiling?? Did something good happen" Sinon ask. klein still smiling at her "yeah~~cuz i got to see you" his face getting closer to Sinon face. She know what he gonna do, so she get her face closer to Klein's too. They start kissing very passionately. The car's window is tinted, so people from outside can't see what their were doing inside. They kissed about a minute. Both of them stop the kiss to catch some breath.

"Yep real life kiss is more good then in the game, " Klein blushing. Sinon blushing red too when she saw something hard pushing the pants outward , it's between Klein's crotch. Klein then look at Sinon, Sinon can read everything from his face.

"But.. it's still early, and ...and plus we are in a car..."Sinon blushing so hard when she started to think about what Klein wants. " I didn't say anything, what did you thinking Sinon-chan~~" Klein teasing Sinon. " I...I can read your face so clearly... what's else do you want from me when you making that that face!!" Sinon said in a high tone, she's super red right know. She look like she's mad, but it's a cute kinda mad.

Klein laugh softly, " I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just teasing you," Klein patting Sinon's head "...but yeah, you right, that kiss really did turn me on...i don't think i can walk, people gonna see it..." He said " So Sinon can you help me, make it soft again,..." He said as he looking at Sinon. Sinon blushing red, she slowly nodded her head.

Klein open his pants zip, and letting his 'cucumber' out, it's big. Sinon then put her hand on his 'cucumber' and start rubbing it " how can't you get this hard just from kissing..." Sinon mumbled. " Well because you too cute,Sinon...may i" Klein putting his hand on Sinon face, he hold Sinon chin and tilt her face. " Ermm" Sinon agree. Klein start kissing Sinon again.

"Shoot it's making me turn on" Sinon said in her mind. She keep rubbing his 'Cucumber', suddenly Klein softly pushing her head towards his crotch. "Ahh Sinon I think...hmm it's gonna come out soon~" Klein said as he keep moaning. Sinon then put Klein 'cucumber' in her mouth and start sucking it. She suck it in and out making Klein moans. She then used her tongue to lick Klein's weak spot. "AHHH~~ THERE~ SUCK IT HARDER BABE!! I GONNA CUM!!AARGGH~~" Klein moans loudly as he squirt all his 'juice' out.

"Ahhh that's feel so good really improved...ah! sorry i let it out in your mouth!" He takes the tissue to pass it to Sinon. But before he give it to her, he heard a gulping noise. "did you ...did you just swallow it??!"Klein ask in shock. Sinon nodded, her face was so red.

"Come one!! Let's go, aren't we supposed to buy the ingredients for dinner!" Sinon said, she try to change the subject, and it did.

" Ouhh yeah, you right." Klein zip his pants and start to drive to the grocery store.

After buying all the ingredients they get back to Sinon's room. They making the curry together, Klein help Sinon cutting the potatoes and carrots. Klein really love to cook with Sinon, or seeing Sinon cooking, it makes them look like a newlyweds. To be honest he already thought of marrying Sinon in the future. He been searching for a nice rings to propose to her.

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