Chapter 25

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Klein jolted awake and pick his phone right away. His eye still blurry but his finger slide the phone's screen. "Hello..." He rubbing his eye. "Ah! i will come right away!" he gets up and  and pick all his stuff, before exiting the capsule hotel. With his messy hair and sleepy looking face, he rush to the hospital, it just around 1km from the capsule hotel.

He enter the hospital main door, and saw Kikouka-san was waiting for him. They greet morning to each other.

"My driver told me, he drop you off at the hospital, so I thought you were sleeping in Sinon's ward." Kikouka look at Klein, he want to ask why, but he just keep silent cuz he himself might already know the answer that Klein gonna give. " Well, anyway my teams already check the nervegear, it do have some serious damage on it, but it didn't take times for them to fix it. And also they upgraded the nervegear too, because it's actually was not a type to dive in. I already ask the hospital to let us use one of the ward. Come here" Kikouka lead Klein to a ward in upper level.

When Klein enter the room he saw some computer setup and a bed with nervegear on top of it. He walk to the bed and hold the nervegear. The room was a bit Smaller than Kikouka's office, but still can fit at least 10 people.

"Just wear it when you ready" Kikouka goes to his team that sitting in the computer setup area.

"Okay" Klein reply with a nodded. He wore the nervegear and lay on the bed. "Do i have to say anything to activated it?" He questioning the people inside the room.

"No, just give us a few seconds. Keep you shut and take a deep breath" Kikouka giving him order.

"O-okay" as soon as he close his eye he can felt a slightly sharp electricity zaps through his head. And everything when blanks. In a few seconds he manages to dive into the nervegear.

"Test, test....can you hear me Ryoutarou-kun?" Kikouka talk through microphone.

"Y-yes. I can here you loud and clear. It's so dark in here....i can't see anything." Klein said he try to reach anything around him. But in a few seconds he can see his surrounding "this..... it's Sinon's apartment area....".

"It's working, this might be a memory of her parents....we will be monitoring you from can go and walk around." Kikouka said to Klein.

Klein didn't think much, he makes his way to Sinon's apartment. As soon as he arrived in front of the door, he look at the name plate of the home "Asada" . He reached the handle to open the door, but before he get to open it, the door was slam open. But it didn't hit Klein, it pass through his body.

"Hurry! We need to move now!" Naoko said as she hold babyshino.

"Let's go!" Shion was the last person to exit the house. He carrying a box, that look familiar to Klein. It's the box that they found the nervegear. The small family rush down stairs and get into the car. Klein follows them. He sat besides the baby carrier, Sinon was place in it. Because this is a memory only, Klein can see them but they can't see Klein.

"Dammit!!! Dammit!!!" Shion sat on the passenger sit sounds frustrated. Naoko drive the car so fast it's like they were chasing by someone. "Everyone..... everyone's in my team suddenly disappear out of nowhere.... fuck those terrorist!!! Why can't they just let this world become more peaceful!!" He said as tears come out of his eye. "Fuck! Fuck!!! They gonna after me, next! I'm sorry Naoko... Shino... I can't even protect both of you"

"Stop that!! Stop apologizing! I'm sure we can get away this time too... We will stay in my parents house, they will not found us there" Naoko try to calm her husband down.

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