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Neara watched as her beloved Tao disappeared from view as the portal closed behind her. The instability of the portal was intense and unnatural. It made Neara's hair stand on end and now she started to question whether this was the smartest idea, everywhere she looked there was a dimensional tear.

Whoever done this had no idea the damage it could cause.

Neara was furious but didn't have the time to think any further about it because she needed to find Angella and quickly, the dimension's stability was getting worse as Neara walked along a broken stone path, parts of it started to break away and disintegrate. She took a deep breath and moved her hands to force open one of the dimensional tears and stepped through.

Neara opened her eyes and looked out the window of her old room in Castle Half-Moon, she could feel the warmth of Tao's body heat next to her. The sky flashed with dimensional tears, making Neara realise that none of it was real. She quietly wished it was, she wished she could have shown her daughters Half-Moon as it was before the horde forced the Magicats to flee underground.


Thinking about her always made Neara sad, she had spent so many years searching for her. Even when her crystal stopped glowing, everyone even Percival tried to convince her she was gone forever, but she wouldn't lose hope, she couldn't.

The sky outside shifted again, this time Neara caught sight of feet walking above her. She gasped as she watched someone who looked like Kywa walking, their pace filled with anger and intent.

That's impossible Kywa should be home in it couldn't be.

"Elizabeth?", Neara said quietly, she could barely believe it. She immediately got out of bed walking over to the door, she hesitated.

Remember where you are..What If she's not real

Her heart sank, her hand trembling on the door handle.

But what if she is

She steadied her hand and swung the door open walking out into another tear.

As the door closed, the bed inhabitant stirred a pink lion with faint purple and blue stripes sat up, running their hand through their mane.

"Neara?", they said sleepily.

* * *

Neara felt slightly disoriented as she stepped out of the tear, as she looked around the whispering woods started to distort and break apart and then she saw her, unconscious on a small island of grass. Neara ran and jumped easily clearing the distance between herself and the island.

She kneeled down and cradled the unconscious girl. She traced the outline of the girl's mask, tears welled in her eyes, she knew the girl she held was real, she knew after years of searching this was her daughter.

"Elizabeth, my darling girl please wake up", Neara said in a trembling voice resting her forehead against Elizabeth's, the disintegrating forest got closer and closer, bits of their small island were falling away from Neara's feet.

Neara clutched the girl to her chest ,"No, please I need more time", she cried out into the ether hoping that someone would listen, but the edges of their small island kept advancing silent to her plea. Neara tried her best to pull herself together and laid the girl gently down and held her hand, drawing a small rune on the back of her hand, she leaned in and whispered something as they both disappeared with the island.

* * *

Neara opened her eyes and looked down, Elizabeth had disappeared. She closed her eyes and placed her hands on her chest, she hoped she had done enough to save her, imparting some of her own power to Elizabeth could have been dangerous, but she had to try.

Looking up Neara can see the black swirling vortex and follows the funnel down to its source.

A Sword?. All of this was caused by a sword?!

She caught sight of Angella's translucent wings flying up towards the sword. Neara moved quickly jumping from rock to rock on all fours, she tried calling out to Angella but the sound of the vortex drowned out her voice.

"Take care of each other", Angella said as she pulled the sword out of the swirling vortex and everything went white.

Angella opened her eyes and was surprised to see a familiar face standing in front of her encasing them both in a barrier as the dimension starts to fold in on itself.


Neara winces a little as she smiles,"You didn't expect me to let you have all the fun did you?"

Finally the dimension implodes, a large blast forces the barrier back and it starts to fracture, Neara grabbed onto Angella and they disappeared and reappeared in a room filled with stardust. Neara drops the barrier and immediately falls to the ground exhausted. Angella rushed over and propped Neara's head up against her.


"Hey old friend", Neara said lazily.

"Why are you here Neara?! How did you even find me?",

Neara sits up and rubs the soreness out of her hands,"I'm sure there's a thank you in there somewhere",

Angella scoffs,"After you stormed out of the princess alliance. I haven't seen you or talked to you for years and suddenly you expect tea and crumpets?!",

Neara frowns,"tea maybe, your crumpets were always a little dry for my liking".

Angella throws her arms up in the air,"Unbelievable!, you're still as infuriating as ever".

They sit in silence for a few moments. Neara stares up at stardust. Angella refused to look at her.

"So still no thank you?", Neara says playfully.

"Absolutely not", Angella said, trying to be stubborn.

Neara looked at Angella ,"I missed you too".

Then she laughs and all the seriousness from Angella's face disappears as she joins in,"still doesn't change the fact you're a terrible friend".

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