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Ginny and Max hung out at the Baker's house as they talked about Ginny and Hunter and their relationship.
"Okay stop talking about me and Hunter,now what are you doing about the 'Sophie situation'?" Max looked at Ginny all confused as she sat up straight.
"What are you talking about? There is no 'Sophie situation' "
"What are you talking about? You've been crushing on Sophie for a while now,and you asked her out on the halloween party,but you hurt her. You should really try to be with her" Ginny reasoned as Max started thinking about her situation. She do have feelings for Emilia,but she doesn't know if she feels the same back,
"But I have feelings for Emilia" she said as Ginny shaked her head.
"No you don't,your just confused. You've been spending a lot of time with her,that's all. What you should do is apologize to Sophie for the halloween party,and tell her you really like her. That way she WILL take you back" Max sighed and leaned down on the couch.
"I don't know Ginny, i don't think I like Sophie like that anymore" Ginny rolled her eyes at Max,
"What? Your 'in love' with Emilia?" Ginny scoffed at her.
"Maybe" Max said innocently,Ginny shook her head as she stood up and walked towards the hall,
"Anyway, my mom is making dinner. See ya" Door shut and Max were left alone on the couch with only her thoughts.


Monday morning,finally back to school. But sadly its also,Ginny's birthday.
Ginny made her way into the school,her friends came up to her and wished her happy birthday.
"Happy birthday Ginny,how does it feel to be 16?" Max congratulated her friend as she smiled at her and her friends.
Norah put a crown on her head that said happy birthday and 16. They went over to their couch and hung out until all the students suddenly spread to the sides and didn't stand in the middle anymore.
Suddenly music started playing and Hunter appeared in the middle with his step shoes on.
He started stepping and dancing,then a few other joined in and stepped behind him. They sang happy birthday to Ginny as they finished off their routine. Ginny looked so shocked and blushed as Hunter came up to Ginny.
"Happy birthday Ginny" he smiled at her as everyone was quiet,she giggled nervously and smiled,
"Tha-" suddenly the doors were pushed open,and everybody's eyes turned to the girl walking in. She was wearing her black leather jacket with her high heel boots,Emilia walked in towards the girls as everybody's eyes followed her. Max ran up to her as everybody started moving to class. Still Ginny and Hunter stood there but this time Ginny glared angrily at Emilia for ruining her moment.
"Where were you" Max asked as she came up to Emilia,
"I was getting us a slurpie?"
"Awww thanks Em" she smiled at Emilia and took the slurpie and drank from the straw.
"What happened before I came here? Why did it feel like everything just stopped, and why does Ginny look at me even grumpier than usual?" Emilia says as she sits down on the coach and Max laid down with her head in her lap.
Emilia took the slurpie out of Max's hands and takes a sip.
"I've missed you" she suddenly says and sits up taking the slurpie. Emilia looked at her confused,
"It's been thirty minuets since we last saw each other at breakfast" she stated as Max sheugged and took another sip until she Emilia took it back from her.

As Emilia and Max sat on the couch waiting for their class to begin Norah,Abby and Ginny stood by the lockers. Hunter had gone to his class for a while ago so Ginny went to the girls when he left.
As Abby and Norah started talking quietly,
"I can't believe their not together yet, I mean Max is always so forward. But now she just switched. But like to a more beautiful person,you know"  Norah nodded in agreement no Abby's comment as they both were looking at Emilia and Max,
"It's crazy,but they do look good together" Norah says as Abby nods.
Ginny looks over away from her phone and looked at Emilia and Max on the couch, she instantly made a grimace and rolled her eyes,
"Eww" Ginny muttered at the girls as she continued to watch her phone screen.

Suddenly Max's and Emilia's eyes attached to each other. Max sat up in Emilia's lap still sharing their eye contact. Max leaned in and kissed Emilia's lips as she didn't hesitate to kiss back.
They pulled back and took a breath as they smiled at each other. Suddenly Marcus came up to the girls on the couch,
"Hey,can I talk to you?" He says directed to Emilia,
"Can't we talk at home?" She says looking at him and then back to Max.
"No, I think we should talk now" he says more firmly, Max stood up from Emilia so she could rise. She smiled at Max before walking away after Marcus. She sighed as they reached the lockers.
"What do you want?" He looks down at the floor as he begins to speak,
"I want fo apologize for you know-"
"Apology accepted,can I go now?" Emilia took a step but he gripped her arm.
"Why are you so cold to me?" She sighed and looked at him,
"Im sorry,I didn't mean to be rude. Can I please go now?"
"Yeah go ahead"

Suddenly Ginny pushes Max towards Sophie's locker where she was standing.
She looked up at Max who appeared from nowhere.
"I just want to apologize for the halloween party,I was really stupid and dumb, and I'm sorry for hurting your feelings. Max gave Sophie a friendly smile.
Sophie bit her lip looking into Max's eyes.
"Thanks ,and I think we really should try this out" she winked at Max before she walked away.
Max felt herself slightly smiling back at sophie but instantly realized what she's done,
"Fuck" she groaned into a whispered as she face palmed and sighed,trying to figure out her situation.

 Max felt herself slightly smiling back at sophie but instantly realized what she's done,"Fuck" she groaned into a whispered as she face palmed and sighed,trying to figure out her situation

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I have it hard wrapping my mind around that there's 13,8k readers on this book!!! Its insane!

Thanks for all you've done ❤️

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