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Emilia took another french frie into her mouth as she was listening to Georgia. Joe leaned onto the counter and he had closed just five minutes ago.
"What about you Emilia? Where do you come from?" both Georgia and Joe looked over at Emilia who took a sip from her coke,
"California, La" she says with a light smile on her lips.
Emilia took a bite of her burger as Joe spoke about him living in Wellsbury his whole life.
"There was like this one time I went on a school trip,I met this girl with an accent, but the trip doesn't really count"


"So why are you here?" Georgia asks as she sips from her whine. Emilia sips from her coke looking up at her,
"Here at Joe's or here in Wellsbury?"
"Well my parents sent me away when they saw me hooking up with a girl once. The week after and swoosh I'm here in Wellsbury" Georgia clearly got mad when she heard the 'homophobic parents part' .
"When did you get here?" Joe cut in,
"Just one and a half weeks ago, I was told that I was gonna be here for two weeks. So I think I might leave soon" Emilia says the last part with a sad face.
"So where do you live in Wellsbury?"
"I live at Ellen and Clint Baker's house?" She says with a smile on her lips as Georgia wide her eyes.
"Seriously?" Georgia asks as Emilia nods her head.
"I live right across the street" Emilia furrowed her brows and looked at Georgia with a questioning look.
"I have a daughter your age, Ginny"
"Your Ginny's Mom?"
Emilia stays shook ad Georgia nods her head.
"Didn't think anyone could have such a cool mom" Emilia sighed as she sipped from her coke.
Georgia smiled as the girls for a while until Joe came up to the girls.
"It's time to go lady's, it's closing time" he says as Georgia eyes her drink. She takes the glass and chugs the whole thing and then smile at him.
"Wanna walk home together?" Georgia asks Emilia who looked up and nodded. The girls headed for the door and Joe followed, they exited the building and Joe turned of the lights and then locked the door after himself. He walked up to his car and said goodbye to the girls who started heading home. Joe started driving and then slowed down beside them,he rolled down the passenger seats window and bent down to be able to look at them,
"You guys want a ride home?" He asked raising an eyebrow. The friends looked at each other to exchange looks and then nodded and Georgia sat down in the front and Emilia in the back.

"I didn't get an answer earlier when I asked why you were at the cafe" Georgia stated as Emilia looked away from the window,
"Why were you at the cafe?" Georgia turned around in her seat so she looked at Emilia in the back.
"I have this thing with a very close person of mine,we use to order burgers and fries with tons of ice cream for dessert. She didn't wanna do anything with me today so I guess I was kinda hurt. So I went myself"
"Oh yeah, you always come around with that girl, Max I believe" Joe says keeping his eyes on the rode as Georgia wide her eyes,
"Ginny's best friend?" She asked excitingly,
"Oh wow, she is really cute"
Emilia smiles at Georgia's comment.
"Max is actually one of Ginny's first good friends. Ut's been really hard for her with ll the moving from time to time" Georgia turned back forward as she continued to talk about her kids.


As they started getting onto the driveway to Georgia's house she suddenly turns around to Emilia,
"Hey come in for a second there is something that I want to show you"
Emilia made a confused look but climbed out the backseat door and walked after Georgia who went up to the door.


Ginny,Max and Marcus was playing the floor is lava with Ginny's little brother Austin.
Austin squealed as he jumped to a pillow on the floor and almost lost his balance. Ginny laughed at Marcus who walked on the couch,he almost lost his balance. She laughed as he lost his balance again and fell towards the ground, before he touched the ground he gripped a hold of Ginny who then lost her balance so they both fell to the ground, Ginny onto Marcus.
"Your dead now" Austin told then as Max just laughed at them,and then continued to balance on the pillows on the floor.
Marcus made a noice and Ginny looked at him weirdly,
"Sorry" Ginny said in between her laughs as she climbed off of Marcus and sat up,
"Guess we're dead now" Marcus said and sat up leaning onto the couch.
"I want ice cream!" Austin yells and runs towards the kitchen,
"Yess ice cream" Max screams running right after him.

Marcus looked up at Ginny who looked down at the floor. He reached forward and put some hair of her behind her ear. She looked up into his eyes and smiled.
They moved closer, only a few inches apart from each others faces until they broke apart when the front door opens and Georgia walks inside. They're eyes went towards the door, Georgia walked in holding up the door to someone else who turned up to be Emilia.
Just when Marcus saw Emilia walk in he quickly stood up and stepped away from Ginny who still sat on the floor. She looked at him and then looked at the same direction as his eyes,Ginny turned mad as she realized that he was looking at Emilia.
"Emilia?" Marcus says shocked,
"Mom what is she doing here?" Ginny asked as she walked into the hall.
Emilia looked down at the floor while Ginny gave her mother an angry look.

"You guys want ice cream?" Max asks as she and Austin walks out of the kitchen and into the hall with one ice cream cone each. They quickly see that they weren't alone and Georgia had come home. Max froze as her eyes landed on Emilia who stood right behind Georgia in the hallway.
"Hey Em" she says giving the girl a confused look and Emilia answered with a short smile.
"Mom, why is she here?" Ginnys says crossing her arms over her chest.
Georgia walked towards Ginny and talked to her.
Emilia looked up from the floor and made eye contact with Max who
couldn't resist to smile at Emilia.

"It's late, I better go home" Emilia suddenly said and made Max look up,
"I'll come with you" She says and she runs and takes her jacket and then the girls headed out the door.

Still inside Georgia put Austin to bed while Marcus and Ginny talked.
"Why are you so obsessed over her?" Ginny says from nowhere and made Marcus look up with a questionable face.
"You know she heard us having sex?" She whispered to the boy who wided his eyes.


Max and Emilia walked towards the house, as they reached the mailbox Max opened it and took out the mail.
She went through the mail til she saw Emilia's name on one of them.
"Here this one's for you" she handed Emilia her mail.

Emilia opened the mail and folded up a letter. She started reading the letter and then scoffed.
"What is it Em?" Max looked over at Emilia,
"It's my parents. They don't want me home in another week" some part of her was happy cause she got to stay here in Wellsbury, but still it hurt knowing that her own parents didn't even want her at home.

 They don't want me home in another week" some part of her was happy cause she got to stay here in Wellsbury, but still it hurt knowing that her own parents didn't even want her at home

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I'm so sorry for not posting:(
But here I am making up for not posting and giving you around 1300 words.
Hope you like the chapter<3

P.s would y'all like a "playlist" about what kind of music Emilia would listen to?

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