Gally Imagine (Requested)

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Damn you shanks love Gally ! I ain't complaining tho cuz let's face it, he's hot AND the "bad guys" are usually a turn on. JUST SAYIN. DONT HATE CUZ IT'S TRUE! 
I'm going to try doing it a tiny bit in Gally's POV cuz why the fuck not?
Anyway ! This was requested by → fandomcrank (awesome name btw!) 

Gally's POV

I heard the Greenie alarm and thought Great, another shank that i have to boss around so that they don't mess up! Hopefully he won't be anything like  Thomas. He's such a shuckface.
I ran to the box and did my usual routine, when Newt or Alby can't get the Greenbean, I do it. I opened the box, not even bothering to look inside it. 
"Come on, Greenie. We've got a lot to do today." I looked down and the boy and was met with the most beautiful brown eyes, I had ever seen. I quickly noticed her beautiful, brow, curly hair.
"You're a girl?" I asked suprised.
"Last time I checked, yeah." She giggled, it's was like freshly baked cookies' smell but morphed into a sound. How could she even giggle in a time like this? I klunked my pants when I came into the box. Guess she's one happy shank. A beautiful one too.
"Are you okay?" The angel herself wondered, seemingly worried. 
"Umm.. yeah, it's just we haven't really had a girl here before.."  I trailed off.
"Oh." her smile faded. "Well where exactly is here?"
"I'll show you around." Time to turn on my non-existant charm.

Cosette's POV

I was taken out of the "box" as they called it. They being the 50 or so, boys in this place. This is probably not the best time to flirt but, if you had met Gally, you'de be doing the same as me, I was twirling my brown hair on my finger and laughing at his cheesy pick-up lines. I know, I know, you're probably thinking, "You should be panicking, or trying to figure out what your name is! Not flirting with some cute boy!" but in my defense, his pick-up lines were actually quite amusing.
"You know, if you were a potato, you'de be a sweet one." He said.
"Are you calling me fat?" I faked, offence.
"What? N-no! You're beautiful! I m-mean, you're not fat. I'm fat. Wait! No I'm not!" he stuttered. 
"I'm joking! That was cute!" I laughed at his awkwardness. 
"That wasn't funny!" he pouted. "So, do you remember your name, or should I call you mine?"
"I do actually remember my name." I chuckled. "It's Cosette. You can still call me yours though."
"Well, Cosette, I'd love too. Would you like to eat Frypan's dinner with me?"
"I would love to!" 
"You know what's on the Menu? ME N' U." He flirted, for about the 100nd time today.
"Oh slim it, already!" I joked.
"Glader Slang,already, Greenie?" he teased.

Righ, i know it was sort of short, and i apologise but i had no idea what to write! Soz bae <3 
I'm almost done with the requests, which is awesome!! i love you all soooo much! GUESS WHAT! I HAVE 10 FREAKING THOUSAND READS! WTFFFF I CAN'T EVEN COUNT TO 10K BEFORE GETTING BORED AND INSTEAD READING SMUT (jk. jk again, i actually do. WHA EVA DON T JUDGE ME, YOU KNOW YOU LOVE THAT SMUT!) I CAN T FREAKING BELEIVE ITTTTT I LOVE YOU SO MUCH LIKE OMFG YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST! I WOULD LEGIT MARRY YOU GUYS INSTEAD OF TBS (and he's funcking hot) IF I HAVE THE CHANCE. not dylan o'brien or jensen ackles tho. i love u guys but let's get real. 

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