Brothers with MC scaring them

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-You're wandering through the halls of the House of Lamentation and you see Lucifer's office light on
-What he's doing up at this hour is beyond you, but a gentle push of the door reveals that he's deeply focused
-Show time :)
-You stick to the shadows, pressed firmly against the wall, and creep behind him
-"...What do you think you're doing?" You hear and your blood runs cold. Terror creeps through you. You're doomed.
-If you're dating, he's willing to let it slide if you're good, but if you're not dating, he'll get really mad and lecture you for 3 hours on why you shouldn't creep around with sleep deprived demons


-Honestly pretty easy to scare
-He's snooping around your room, you can hear him rummaging around in drawers, so it's absolutely justified that you spook him
-Just wander up behind him, not particularly quiet, and go "BOO!"
-He screams
-"WHAT WAS THAT FOR???" bitch thats my underwear drawer, what are you doing?
-He's already plotting his revenge, but it'll be way worse than when you scared him


-He just got a new game and hasn't spoken to anyone since he started playing
-We've all been there at some point
-But you want attention damnit so you sneak into his room, all stealthy like that one anime "Agents in the dark so quiet they're almost ninjas"
-You come up behind him, gently take one headphone thing away from his ear, and whisper "notice me senpai"
-He freaks out, jumping away with a red face
-It's actually quite cute, but please don't do it again


-You know he's not easy to scare, but he got really into this book series and you're chaos incarnate
-Seeing him snuggled up on the sofa, legs tucked up real close, was just so cute
-So you snuck up behind him, and had raised your hands like a bear about to pounce, but he grabbed your wrist with his free hand
-Boy didn't even look away from his book
-He finished his page before turning to you, brows furrowed, really unhappy
-Oh boy, you should probably run
-Like he loves you but sorry honey
-Hoes mad


-He was doing a really funky nail pattern while on a call to some other demon to trash talk
-"You would not BELIEVE what my brothers did today" "UGH what a scamp"
-Being as quiet as you can be, you slithered up behind him, and tapped his shoulder
-He spins around, wanting to know who dares interrupt the hot gos, but you've already made your way in front of him so that when he turns back to what he was doing, you get to scare him by saying hi
-RIP the nail polish bottle that is now laying on his carpet
-Queue pouty Asmo
-Oh and if that ruined his carpet, you will be paying for a new one. Probably cost a lot, too


-Poor babey is just sitting in the kitchen, enjoying a sandwich, when you come out of absolutely nowhere and make him drop his sandwich :(
-There's sauce everywhere, meatballs on top of the fridge, peppers under the sink
-How things got into so many different places is a mystery
-But you upset Beel, which is not okay, and I hope it was worth it because now you have to make a whole new sandwich twice the size of the one he had before
-Good luck, because that was a big sandwhich


-Cutie pie was curled up in the armchair, sound asleep
-When you come up to him, yelling loudly to wake him up, he doesn't move at all
-So you try again
-Spoiler alert: doesn't work this time either
-You pout and sit behind the chair until he wakes up
-As he wakes up, you shout again, but he just peeks around the side of the chair to glare and ask you why you're being so loud

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