MC does their own stick n pokes/piercings

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-As long as you're doing this safely and don't make a mess, he's completely chill. He actually finds it relieving that you can tolerate the pain and not have your hands shake like a leaf in strong winds
-Does this mean that you can handle the power of a demon? Probably not, but lets give it a go!
-Jk he's not allowed to hurt you
-He seems like a piercing kind of guy to be honest, so if you could recommend him some he'd be very happy
-When he trusts you enough, he'll ask you to do the piercing, but only if you're okay with that


-He wants another piercing and if it matches yours he's doing it before you can stop him
-Please stop him
-Should not ever be trusted to do it himself, he'll get distracted by something and not take care of it properly
-If you're willing to do a stick & poke on him he'll love you forever, but he fidgets a lot


-Thinks it's super cool & would love to see how it's done
-He's so good at designing things too if you want ideas
-Maybe, if he gets the confidence, he'd ask you if he could get his tail pierced. You don't have to do it, you could watch over him while he does it, but he believes a pierced tail would be pretty freakin' cool and he's 100% right


-Sits & watches the whole process, taking notes the entire time
-He just thinks it's real neat, even if he doesn't necessarily want one himself
-Loves to just run his fingers along the patterns on you because they must've taken quite some time and a fair bit of pain
-Admires them, and you, so much


-Gushes about each and every piercing you have for hours
-They have so much potential for so many different outfits do you have any idea what this means
-And the tattoos! Gosh he finds them so gorgeous
-Colour combos are his thing so he can match every piercing to a different outfit and you cannot stop him no matter how hard you try


-As long as it doesn't hurt too much, he finds it pretty darn fantastic
-Can sit and look at every neat lil pattern for absolutely ages, even without snacks! He just loves how much effort goes into them and how brilliant they look on you
-Wants you to have sparkly piercings
-No idea why, he just seems like a 'mesmerised by sparkles' kinda guy


-Sick he does his own too
-We stan a goth power couple
-Definitely has a tongue piercing, and really intricate designs on his tummy tum


-Immediately asks you to show them off and goes into demon form to show his off
-His grin is just so big and sweet it's one of the cutest things you've ever seen
-Absolutely wants you to do something on him, but if you prefer just giving yourself tattoos/piercings, thats fine


-Not in his kitchen, please
-It doesn't matter how clean it is, he does not want you to do that in his kitchen
-Finds it very interesting though and wants to watch you do it
-If you need help he's the best one to go to because he has the steadiest hands in all the lands


-Does the whole "please be careful, I know you've done this before but please" thing
-Always calls your tattoos amazing whenever he sees them and compliments the piercings you're wearing
-A good egg


-Good egg 2.0
-His eyes go wide when he finds out that you did them yourself because wow
-Absolutely asks you more questions than you can answer
-He just thinks it's so cool


-He probably did some of his own too at one point
-Loves to just sit back and watch you do them because he admires you and the strength you have

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