Brothers with a Dead MC

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TW: angst, some unhealthy coping mechanisms

MC dies. Doesn't matter how - self inflicted, murder, or natural causes.

I am always here to talk <3

If dating;


-He throws himself into his work. If you thought he was bad before, which he was, you'd be shocked at how he is now
-Doesn't sleep for days on end, drinks way too much coffee. He won't admit it, but he misses you dearly, and the thought of you not being with him is just too much for him to bear
-Gets stricter. I don't think he'd have the energy to punish his brothers when they act out, especially if you used to complain about that, but he will absolutely get stricter to avoid making the same mistake. He can't lose anyone else.


-Buys a lot more things. The glimmer of happiness isn't in his eyes when he opens a parcel anymore, but he still buys more things than his bank account can realistically deal with
-Acts out a lot more. Either just to feel something other than guilt and sadness or because you're not there to calm him down
-Most of his free time he's out modelling. It's not necessarily to pay back his debts, though he does need to get on top of that, but it could also be because staying at the House of Lamentation just causes him too much pain.
-Stops smiling as much, even when modelling
-Spends his model-free nights curled up thinking about how he should've been there for you


-Doesn't come out of his room anymore. Sure, he spent most of his time in there anyway, but now he spends his time moping instead of gaming
-How can he game or watch anime when everything he looks at reminds him of you by his side, talking and laughing because you're one of the few people who doesn't think he's a yucky otaku?
-He's overcome with guilt and thinks that maybe if he were confident he could've helped you, even if there was nothing anyone could've done


-Can't control his anger. You were his guiding light, the one who helped him see past his wrath and into the other emotions he could feel
-Now you're gone and all he can do is lash out at whoever crosses his path
-He can't focus on reading, not when he has so many memories of you curled up into his side as he reads out loud, acting as your lullaby on a hard day
-Sometimes he just wanders around the devildom in his demon form, looking for a fight in anyone who dares even glance his way.


-Although he goes out a lot more, he can never bring himself to actually sleep with anyone
-Sure, he tries to lose himself in the touch of others, but he just couldn't continue when all he truly wants is to have you back in his arms. He can't get you out of his head; your touch lingers on his skin, your scent in his sheets, your face popping up everywhere he goes like a ghost destined to haunt him forever
-Even with more alcohol than is healthy for a demon, and the dreamless sleep that comes with it, he can't escape your everlasting presence


-Some days he eats more than he should, other days he doesn't eat at all. Any mention of you and he's lost his appetite, going off to stay in your room until he can't bear to be around your things
-Believes with everything in him that he should've been there for you. Even if it was natural causes that nothing could've helped, he blames himself for not being there. He thinks the reason he's lost so much is because he's the problem. That he's failed yet again.


-He can't sleep
-Any time he gains the courage to close his eyes for more than a few seconds, he's immediately plagued with countless images of you. It goes through an intense cycle; happy, worried, sad, dead.
-It doesn't matter if he wasn't what caused it, he will be so swamped with vivid nightmares that he'll begin to believe he was at fault

If not dating;

They act the same as above. You're their friend, in some cases an unrequited lover. Even if you don't have as deep a connection with some of the brothers as you do others, they care. You matter to them, to me, to those around you, and it damn near kills them inside when you're not around.

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