Sleepy MC

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-He keeps track of how much you sleep and wakes you up after you've had a healthy amount
-If you fall asleep on him, he's gonna wake you up and probably lecture you
-He's not really too happy with you sleeping, but when you start dating he tolerates it much better by putting his coat on you
-You better believe that coat is the softest thing in the universe
-Cuddling up on the sofa with Lucifer and his coat after a long day, just enjoying each other's company? Yeah that's a dream come true right there


-He gets grumpy that you're not spending time with him until he realises he can use this as an excuse to cuddle with you
-After that, he gets so excited he starts gifting you blankets whenever he has some grimm
-Soft, fluffy blankets for colder nights, but thinner blankets for hot nights. He even checks the forecast to bring you the right ones
-Also really good at cuddling so if you need a pillow just lean on his shoulder and he's holding you close in seconds


-Will absolutely use you falling asleep while playing games to his advantage
-But then he feels a little bad. Not bad enough to let you win the next round, but still kinda bad
-Falling asleep on him is a dangerous game because he'd either completely freeze up so that he doesn't disturb you, or he's fainting. There is no inbetween, so maybe give him a warning lmao
-He's surprisingly comfortable to fall asleep with though, which is good
-You could also use your own sleepiness as a way to get him to fall asleep because he just can't say no to you


-PLEASE cuddle up to him
-He loves it, and so will you
-Honestly second best pillow here, especially when he's reading because you just fit so perfectly against him and he likes reading out loud to you
-Starts bringing two books around with him so that he can read one to you as you fall asleep then he moves on to the other one so that you don't miss out on the story


-Pouts and complains until he sees you on the sofa, curled up & sound asleep. He just thinks you're absolutely adorable like that and takes a few pictures
-He's the kinda guy who'd play with your hair while you sleep and probably sing too because he adores your sleepy smile when you wake up and find him there
-Absolutely has the coziest and cutest pyjamas for you. He just walks into your room with them and holds them up with a huge grin and a squeal, excited to see you in them


-Very happy to be your pillow whenever you get tired, and will carry you on one shoulder with Belphie on the other if you fall asleep when you shouldn't
-Doesn't have the heart to wake you up so he just picks you up and takes you where you need to be. Being in his arms is just so comforting and cozy that whenever he holds you, your eyelids start to droop
-Gives anyone who tries to wake you up a sad look so that you can stay asleep


-The second he sees you fall asleep ever, he starts planning cuddle dates
-They are the best thing in the world because there's just something about Belphie that lulls you to sleep real quick
-Maybe it's his scent, maybe it's how soft he is, you don't care what it is so long as you stay cuddled up in his arms where nobody, not even Lucifer, can wake you up


-Whenever he sees you start to get tired, he's clearing as much of his schedule as he can to stay and cuddle with you sorry Barbatos
-Chuckles a little if you yawn and rub your eyes because damn you look so sweet and here you are with him ugh it makes him so happy


-If you fall asleep while he's cooking, he'll put a pillow under you to help your neck after you wake up
-Lightly scolds you but it comes from a place of love
-Secretly loves it when you fall asleep in his company because it means you trust him and that makes his heart flutter


-Giggles at you when you fall asleep in the same room as him for the first time because your hair is a mess but he finds it endearing so that's okay
-Sometimes he sings you to sleep and wow he's amazing at singing, especially lullabies as he runs his fingers through your hair, massaging your scalp with his fingertips


-Wakes you up for hilariously stupid things
-Sometimes he wakes you up just to see your reaction
-Depending on the mood he's in, he could absolutely draw on your face with permanent ink. It's not fun and he always has a stupid huge grin on his face
-He is pretty comfortable when he's not being a tricky prankster, and will even let you cuddle up to him

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