Brothers with a shy MC who melts at head pats

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-To get affection from him is a freakin' chore alright
-He's not one for physical affection, especially not in public, but you did real good on a test so he gently just pats your head
-Upon seeing you absolutely melting, he chuckles and has that smug little smirk as he makes a mental note to do that more often because wow that was cute
-The kinda guy to call you to his office just to pull you close and watch the blush light up your cheeks how rude
-If you nestle into him, he won't let you go. Ever. You're trapped in his arms now and you can't do anything about it


-He pats your head a lot because he thinks you're very cute and he's right
-Finds your reaction cute every time, which makes him do it more and more, making you blush more, it's a vicious cycle
-Watch out, there's a Mammon about
-You could just be vibin, minding your own business, and he'll come over to you with a rush of head pats just to watch you m e l t
-Will absolutely brag about how he's the one who makes youreact like this, a huge dorky smile on his face the whole time


-He's the exact same honestly
-The first time he sees you melt he thinks he's done something wrong so he stutters out an apology, making you rush to reassure him that it's okay and that he didn't make a huge mistake
-Shyly hugs you just to feel you nestle into him because it makes him feel so happy and loved his brain short circuits every time
-Pats your head when you beat his brothers in games and uses you melting to make him win


-He knows that you stay away from affection, but he just finds it so cute when you melt that he can't help doing it again and again and again
-Teases you relentlessly to hide the fact that he absolutely adores your reaction to head pats and hugs
-Like Mammon, he'll come up to you at random times to pat you, thinking you are the cutest being in the world at that moment and all other moments
-Drags you along to the sofa to read just to feel you nestle close to him


-Constantly hugging you because he thinks you're the sweetest lil thing ever
-Coos and holds you even closer when you melt, sometimes taking pictures and bragging about how adorable you look
-Goes around bragging about how you're so damn cute and he gets to see your reaction first hand he practically has heart eyes


-Thinks you don't like hugs so he just doesn't give you them unless you start it because he's a good egg
-Pats your head a lot though since he's so tall and he wants to show you how much he appreciates you being around him
-When he sees you melt he wants to make you do that more often because you're so cute and he just wants to make you happy
-Cuddles you a lot too, needing to see you smile; it brightens his day and he loves you


-The king of teasing lmao
-Once he sees you melt it's game over because now he's dead set on making you as flustered and cutesy as possible from just patting your head
-Comes up to you at random, draping himself over you because he's "sleepy" its actually because he's a lil shit
-Sleepovers are guaranteed to happen way more often now because watching you melt fills him with so much joy
-Uses you as a pillow just to see your reaction

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