Dysphoric MC

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TW: dysphoria


-He can tell immediately that you're not feeling all too good
-Knows that he shouldn't touch you without asking, especially not in this scenario, so he just sits by you and does what you tell him to
-Not good at comforting, but he's great at listening if you want to just talk
-If you can't stand your voice and just don't talk at all he's absolutely okay with that
-Makes a brilliant hot drink if you want it


-Tries to distract you with absolutely anything he can find
-Goes to hug you but panics and just sits in front of you, making as many jokes in a minute than you can actually keep up with
-Realises that this is about you, not him, so he tries to keep his cool and make you feel better
-If you wanna just sit with him he's game, but he does fidget a fair bit


-Completely understands
-Tries to show you ways of dealing with it better if your current ones aren't working
-Absolutely gets it if you don't want to be touched. He's completely chill to just sit with you and comfort you in whatever way you're comfortable with


-Doesn't understand, but he's so good at soothing you with his voice
-He can read to you, make you tea, hum, play some kind of instrument, keep you warm
-Don't wanna be touched? Aight, he's sitting on the floor and getting a book to read to you
-Want something to drink? He's sprinting to the kitchen as fast as he can. Probably bumps into a few things on the way but it's fine he cares more about you right now
-Can't talk? That's fine, he can read you pretty easily


-Really doesn't understand the no touching rule but he pulls away the second he sees you uncomfortable
-He can talk your ear off for hours if you let him
-His voice is pretty soothing and he has a lot of people to contact if you need anything
-Tries to relax you with some fancy spa stuff but understands if that's a no-go from you


-All he knows is that you're sad and he wants to help
-Great at preparing meals for you but if you don't want that he's moving on to any other form of comfort he knows
-Struggles a little with not hugging you but he doesn't want to make you more upset so he settles on just being with you and talking to you in a real soft voice


-Normally he'd ask you to lay down and sleep with him to distract you but sometimes laying down makes things so, so much worse
-He sticks to trying to make you laugh or just taking your mind off of things in the chaotic way that he does literally anything
-Not that great at comfort, but he's good at calming you


-He cannot have you feeling like this, especially not when it gets bad bad, so he does as much research as he can to help you
-Clears his entire schedule, or as much as he can, because he cannot just stand by and do nothing while you feel like this
-Has Barbatos get you anything you want
-Not good at the no touchy, but he's otherwise great at comforting you


-Absolutely fine with no touching and if you don't talk it's fine he's got everything covered
-Knows what you want before you do and he's got it all prepared
-He even goes and asks Dia to give him some time off to make sure you're okay


-Wants to throw hands with God for making you so upset, but that's kinda illegal in the Celestial Realm, so he can't
-Instead he settles on being with you, soothing you with his words and singing softly to you if you want him to
-Don't want to be touched? No problem, he can sit and sing elsewhere, he just wants to make sure you're feeling better


-Already baking something specifically for you
-If you can't eat it right now he totally understands, he'll keep it safe for when you feel better
-Wants to hug you so bad but is fine with just sitting with you or letting you watch him bake


-For some reason he's great at comfort
-It's not really expected but he can make you feel a lot better. It's probably magic but when stuff gets rough anything that helps is a miracle

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