Demons with an MC who is more scared of lesser demons

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-Phat oof, that hit his pride hard
-How could you be more scared of a lesser demon, who is in no way anywhere NEAR as powerful as him? Something is clearly wrong here and he's going to find out what
-The demon must have done something truly horrible for you to be more scared of them than the avatar of pride, the first born, the one who started a war against his father the mighty cloud lad
-Is he going too soft on you? Is that it? Then he'll be stricter! Until he sees you getting upset and he can't bear to see that face crinkled in hurt


-He gets hella offended
-Ya can't just not be scared of The Great Mammon! Unless that demon did something to hurt you, which means Mammon is getting ready to throw hands
-Lmao be prepared for him to bombard you with questions about which demon scared you because he just ain't havin' none of that
-When he finds out which lesser demons you're afraid of he's yoinking any and all goodies they have. His grabby lil hands will not be stopped


-He gets pretty upset ngl
-I mean, he'd never actually tell you he's upset because he thinks you might make fun of him for getting so worked up about something that shouldn't really mean a whole lot
-Sure, he prefers being friends with you to scaring you, but he he only has a little bit of confidence and you not finding him scary must mean he isn't scary to anyone!
-What makes it worse is that it's a lesser demon. If it were one of his brothers he might get a little dejected but get over it because that means you'll spend more time gaming with him but the fact that you're more scared of a demon who means absolutely NOTHING in the grand scheme of things really just puts him down


-Isn't bothered, but is very intrigued. He's the avatar of wrath and you've seen his temper tantrums, yet you're not as scared of him as you are some pitiful rando? Yikes
-He points out that he could absolutely destroy you in seconds, yet you still find others to be scarier? This is quite the anomaly. You're quite the anomaly.
-Begins watching your behaviour around certain demons to try and figure out why you're scared of them but not him


-Gets kinda offended that you think some lowlife can be better than him at anything, but soon realises that he can use that fear to his advantage and hold you more often
-He's got more verbal power than The Irish Insult Generator, so any spooky lesser demon better be ready for a full thrashing if they've given you a reason to be afraid


-He fully understands why you'd be more scared of the lesser demons
-His brothers absolutely adore you and could never hurt you, but the rest of the Devildom really doesn't feel the same
-Doesn't get upset at all and lowkey doesn't understand why everyone else gets so worked up about this, but he's very prepared to become your loyal protector if you ever need him, though he's more likely to carry you away from danger rather than actually fight someone


-He killed you, and you're more scared of some generic demon that you find on the streets? Boy oh boy does he not get humans sometimes
-That being said, it doesn't really matter to him whether you're scared or not so long as you're up for naps. You keep his nightmares away and he's happy to be chill if you stay with him


-He honestly, with all of his heart, thought you were joking
-The DEMON PRINCE of bel air is less scary than your average demon? Has he heard you correctly? That means Lucifer made a good choice for the exchange program, but that could become a real big problem if word got out
-Just don't go causing trouble because you don't find the brothers all that scary, he really doesn't want a 3AM phone call from Lucifer wanting a different exchange student


-Shocked™ part 2 electric boogaloo
-Would gladly show you exactly why you should be afraid, but he can hold back if you smile cutely enough
-Eventually understands that lesser demons wouldn't hesitate to destroy you if they were left to their own devices with you, but he wouldn't ever let that happen. He sees all and those demons won't get away with bugger all 

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