beast and boy

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Ereon and I began walking through the forest. I decided to walk a step behind. Not because I was afraid but I really didn’t want to talk to him. He’s strange and mysterious. Being with him will probably mean getting into trouble. Why wanted he so badly for me to come with him? And why said Mr. Air that it was safe to go with him? I just can’t understand that guy. He is the one who always tells me to stay away from people and now he wants me to go with him? That’s just wrong. Utterly wrong. However, what can I do? They are always right so I should just go with it. I’ll know in time what everything means. And I’ll probably get the answers I always wanted. So it’s not that bad. Creepy but not bad. “We’re being followed, Raven. Maybe you should walk a little faster. You’ll lose Ereon at this rate and I don’t know what that guy who follows you would do when you’re alone. And Ereon might get mad. That could be even worse.” Huh? Ms. Earth is awake? “You’re not Sleeping Ms. Earth? That’s rare. Don’t worry about me I’m fine.” – “I don’t sleep all the time Raven, you know? I just like being in harmony with my surroundings and talking interrupts that harmony.” – “Sure, whatever you say, Ms. Earth…”Suddenly, I hear a cry behind me. It’s a child’s voice. Is that my follower? It can’t be. Why would Ms. Earth be concerned about a child? There’s that cry again. That child must be in trouble. Without thinking I start running in the direction of the voice. “Hey, wait! Are you stupid? What if that’s a scheme to get you? HEY HEAR ME? I TOLD YOU TO WAIT!” Ereons voice sound from far away as I’m running through the forest. Little branches are flying in my face but I only feel a little stinging. From time to time, I hear a cry but it sounds far away. I hope I’m not too late… No I can’t think like that. I have to stay positive.

After a while the voice is getting louder. Then a run out of the forest into a clearing. It must be here somewhere. I can’t see a damn thing. Why does it have to be cloudy today? Ah there are two shadows. One of them is a child. It looks like it’s backing away from the other shadow. I slowly begin to sneak closer. What the… I’ve never seen a creature like that! It is as big as a bull and has the same horns as one but it stands on two legs. Are the things on its moth mandibles? And it has claws! This thing is reallllly creepy. Ugggh. It looks like it wants to eat the child! Shit I have to do something! As I sneak closer, my feet hit a big stone. I lift it up and slam it between the creature’s teeth. Or so I try… The stone doesn’t even make it to the creature! Shit, why can’t I be a little stronger? I mean I don’t wanna be a hero or anything but I wanna save this child! Well at least I now have the creature’s attention. “Oi you creepy thing! Don’t bully little children! Search for someone your height!” The creature really lets go of the kid. Wait… why is it coming closer? It doesn’t want me… Right? “H-hey… I didn’t really mean it like that you know? No need to get mad. Okay stay where you are!” It gives a horrible screech and starts to sprint towards me. I turn around and make a quick getaway. Shit! Where’s Ereon when you need him? Why do I even want him to be here? Can he fight this thing? Well, he did look kinda strong… However, that is so not important right now! How do I get away from this thing? I try to zigzag through the forest. Maybe I’ll be able to shake him off. I mean, he doesn’t look like he’s bright. Oh man, I really should do more exercises. I’m totally out of breath with all the running today. As I risk a look back I see that the thing is even closer than before. I need to run faster! Sorry lungs, this is more important. Suddenly, I feel my foot getting stuck on a branch. I see myself like sink in slow motion, as I fall against a tree. Ouch! That hurt like shit. I think something is wrong with my shoulder… I can’t even move it. I try to get up again but the creature is already behind me. Looks like this is the end for me. Strangely, I’m not afraid of death. At least I’ll see mom again. I wonder if she’ll be mad to see me again? Well, at least the boy is safe. I’d like to see Ereons face, when he sees my body. Or the rest of it… I wonder what that was all about? The creature’s claws are crashing down. As I close my eyes in anticipation of the pain I hear a voice: “Don’t you dare kill him you useless thing!!!” I feel a push at my side and fall just in time before the claws reach the point where I stood a few moments ago. I open my eyes to see the boy I saved lying next to me. He is holding his arm and wincing. I look closer and see blood running down his arm. Shit! I just saved him and now he’s back? Is he stupid or what? Now we will probably die both. While the creature is trying to get his claws out of the tree I scoop the boy up and start running again. Hopefully we will get away.

The little boy is sobbing silently in my arms. He must be terrified. “You… okay?” I huff while running. “Ye-ea-ah…” It sure doesn’t sound like he’s okay. I need to get to Ereon. Maybe he can help him. I faintly hear the creature screeching. Looks like we got a head start. I hope it is enough. Well I need to stop the bleeding. Otherwise it will find us again for sure. I put him carefully on the ground and rip my shirt into pieces. It was my favorite one… Well it can’t be helped… I take the pieces and bandage the boy’s arms gently. He cries a little louder but I would probably too. The wound looks rather deep. I hope I can get proper treatment for him. I mean he did kinda save me, didn’t he?  Afterward I scoop him up again and start running in a direction. Shit I don’t even know where I came from. I just hope I don’t run into the creature. I mean that would be plain stupid. I hear something from the left and start running away from it. It’s faster than I thought. Then I hear the creature’s strange sound again. It sounds like it’s on my left. And it is near. Shouldn’t it be behind me? Why is it already there? I run into a clearing and my breath catches in my throat. No, no, no!!!! That just isn’t fair. What should I do now? I stop running and look dumbfounded to the cliff in front of my eyes…

I put the boy down and turn slowly around to bring a little distance between the monster and the boy. Well, now I can show what I’m made of. I need to distract the beast so that at least the boy can survive. I mean it’s really not necessary for us both to die if I can help it. It is my responsibility to look after the kids since I’m older. However, the boy sure is brave for saving me like he did. Not many can face a creature like that. Hopefully, he can get away. The earth needs more people like him. However, now is so not the time to get all sentimental and deep... I need to find a way to fight the beast. How could I do that? Ah there’s a little stick on the ground and stones are there to. I won’t do a lot of damage with these but I guess it’s better than nothing. The beast comes now out of the forest. It looks like it takes his damn time to get here. I guess it knows that we can’t get away now. “Run as soon as you can. I’ll try to distract this thing. Maybe you can get away at least.” I whisper it as low as possible to the boy. I just hope the monster can’t understand human speech. Would be nice. The boy just nods solemnly. I guess he gets that there’s no other way for him. I run a little to the left and throw some stones at it. At least one hits its target this time. Better than nothing. The creature screeches and turns to face me. At the same time, the boy runs away but the beast doesn’t even recognize that. Well at least one of us is save for now. I try to run away to the forest and at the same to fire more stones but I can’t get even one shot in. well I’m not exactly surprised about that. When the creatures comes within some feet of me I turn around and try to hit it over the left shoulder with my stick. However the stick breaks as soon as it touches the beast’s shoulder. The beasts lifts its left arm and rams it into my stomach. My whole body hurts as I slam into a tree and my vision gets kinda blurry. I cough violently and feel a strange liquid leave my mouth. I try to get up and run away but my body won’t listen to me. I just hope I could buy the boy enough time to escape. This time I don’t close my eyes as it bring it’s claws down on me to kill me…

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