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10 years later

Ravens point of view:

I am currently sitting on the stone next to the river. Here I met my dear friend Mr. Air for the first time. A lot has happened since then but they never left me like they promised. They’re still a big mystery to me but they are also the only friend I have. Well, it’s not like I don’t understand that. Who would want a friend who is always talking to “himself?” I honestly don’t know why the others can’t hear my friends. They wouldn’t tell me either. I stopped asking them long ago. They just wouldn’t answer and Mr. Fire just doesn’t have the patience to deal with my curiosity. The only one who would bother answering my questions is Ms. Water. However, even she wouldn’t answer question about their existence. She would just always say that I’m too young and that I would know with time. It’s annoying and frustrating so I don’t bother asking anymore. “Hey Rav. Again in your own little world? Shouldn’t you be going to the tavern in Reynea to gain some money? I heard the new owner pays you double. You must be really good, don’t you?” – “Oh Air. It’s not like he’s good at playing the flute. He’s just so hot that every chick is going to the tavern to stare at his face. It’s a real shame that he’s not interested in this stuff yet. It would be so much fun to tease him about his nightly adventures.” – “Mr. Fire! Don’t even talk like that! I won’t use girls just for pleasure. Furthermore, I have better things to do than listen to their senseless gossip or giggles. Most of them just want to laugh at me anyway. However, you are absolutely right Mr. Air. I really should go to the tavern. Thanks for reminding me.” I leap up and throw my backpack over. Then I walk energetically towards Reynea. I don’t really like to play at this tavern. I don’t like the stares people give me, when I’m talking to my friends. I know I could just ignore them in public but you can’t do that to your friends, can you? I’m currently walking into the town. I just have to go down a few streets and I’ll be at the tavern. Even now I get quite a few stares. Some people even murmur something about me being a witch who talks to the ghosts. As if. They are just being stupid because they can’t hear my friends. Oh well, I don’t need them. I already have more than enough friends.

As I’m walking into the tavern all talks stop for a second. People are staring at me and begin whispering. However, some people are smiling at me. They are probably travelers who don’t know about the gossip around me. All they know is that I can play the flute. Well, it doesn’t matter to me. There’s just one person who stands out. He doesn’t murmur or look funny at me like the people from town. However, he also doesn’t smile at me. He is looking blankly. He looks rather muscular but not bulky. He’s probably just a few years older than me. Mid-twenty or something like that. His face and hear is hidden under a dark hood. He is rather mysterious. However his look is a little unnerving. I wonder what he’s thinking. “Is this guy that interesting that you have to keep staring at him Rav? Didn’t know you swing that way. Shouldn’t you begin to play?” Mr. Air’s voice brings me out of my thoughts. “Shut up, Mr. Air. I’ll begin in a minute.” I whispered so no one would notice. Or I tried to. Looks like everybody was able to hear my mumbling. Oh well, it’s always like that. Now everybody is staring at me. However, that person still isn’t. He’s only looking surprised. Even a little pleased. He’s strange. I think I should avoid him. I go to the middle of the room and start playing the flute. The murmurs quieted down and everybody began to listen to the calm but complex melodies I played.

Raven, Dear, I think you should stop playing now. You should go away really quickly.” Ms. Water’s quiet voice sounded quite anxious. “Why, Ms. Water? I only played about half the time I usually play.” – “Even so, dear Raven. Just say you’re not feeling well. Trust me. You’ll understand in time, my Dear.” Well if she says so then so be it. She’s not one to joke about such things. I leave my place and talk shortly to the taverns owner. She bats her eyelashes at me in a way she probably thinks is sexy but I don’t give a damn about it. After I talked to her I go outside the shop and head west to go home.  “Dear, please go east. You remember the waterfall? Please go in that direction.” What the hell? Why can’t I go home now? First she said I should go home and now I can’t go? Is she kidding me? “This is better not a joke Ms. Water. It’s not the time to go on a date, you know.” I quickly change directions and go east to the waterfall. “As if Water would go on a date with you, Raven. Please, if she would choose someone, she would choose me. You’re too small to even think about going on dates with women like her. You should take the owner. She is better suited for you.” Oh yeah. As if. “Yeah sure, Mr. Fire. I’d love to date such an innocent creature. I mean, it’s not like she fucks anyone who want to take her.” I hear my three friends laugh. Is Ms. Earth sleeping again? Probably.

 The rustle of the bushes startle me a little. This wasn’t a natural noise in the forest. I would know that. Someone is following me. Is that why Ms. Water wanted me to leave? Probably. She always knows these things. A walk a little faster to escape my stalker. However the rustling noises don’t leave me. No matter how fast I run, the person can keep up. “Hey! You don’t need to run, I won’t to you anything!” So a man is following me. Right now I wish my father would have taught me a little self-defense but no all he taught me was playing the flute. I look over my shoulder and see the man who looked at me at the tavern. I just knew that was a creep! I try to run even faster but I don’t think I can go on much longer. I’m a flutist and not a runner. I push my lungs as hard as I can but I soon trip over a root and fall hard on my face.

 Ouch that hurt. I hope my nose isn’t broken. I slowly reach for my nose and feel a warm liquid on my hands. Great, just great. “Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?” Shit! I completely forgot about my stalker. I try to jump up and run away but he catches the hem of my shirt and pulled me back. “See, I’m sorry if I have frightened you but I really don’t want to hurt you. If anything I want to protect you from the tugs who are searching the village for you. My name is Ereon. I work for the rebels who want to take down darkness and free humanity from their slavery. There’s no way in hell I would try to hurt you.”

 I try to get away from him but he is too strong. Just now I’m able to see his face. He has deep blue eyes. His white hair is frizzy and looks rather silky. I guess he’s the definition of a hot man. However, I still don’t like him. “Why the hell should I believe you, Mr. Ereon? I have nothing to do with rebels or with darkness, whoever that is. I’m just a little flutist who is rather pissed at being followed without any reason.” Ereon gives a little sigh. “So you don’t know yet. This will be troublesome. Why the hell did I have to get him? Oh well. There’s no use in thinking about this. Come little one. Let’s go to the rebels’ camp. Someone will explain everything when you get there.” Going with him? Yeah, sure. I’ll go with a complete stranger just because he says so. “You really should go with him, Rav. I don’t think he means bad to you. Otherwise he would have done something to you before. I know you can’t trust him but you can trust me. Maybe it’s time for you to know the truth.” Truth? So just because one stranger talks to me they want to tell me what is happening? They’ll answer my questions just like that? “Are you sure Mr. Air? You really want me to go with him?” – “Yeah.”

Guess I have no choice then. I would never do something to upset my friends. They are the only people I have left. I look to Mr. Ereon and want to answer him but when I see his face I stop suddenly. He looks like me like I’m some great guy. His face is half shocked and half smiling. It looks really bizarre. “What’s wrong with you? You look like a freak, Mr. Ereon.” He shrugs a little to get out of his stupor. Then he smiles energetically at me “You talked to them just now, right? You really talked to the gods!” Gods? He’s really a freak, isn’t he? “Who are you talking about? I talked to my friends. They’re not gods, just my friends. Now, can we get going? I’m really tired.” He sighs then nods and leads me deep into the forest.

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