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Shortly before the claws hit me I see a white rush and then a sword hit the beast’s claws. “Don’t you dare kill him, Shadowbeast. I just found him!” Ereon is here! Heaven’s thank! Looks like I’ll be alright. Looks like I can go to sleep now… Just then something hits me in the side. Ouch! “Hey Mister! You can’t sleep now or you’ll die! Please stay awake!” The little guy is here again? Did he bring Ereon here? If so, then he just saved my life. And this after I wanted to save him. I’m pretty pathetic, am I not? “Call me Raven. I’m not old enough to be a mister. Thanks for saving me little one. I wouldn’t be alive right now if it wasn’t for you.” Shit my voice is still breaking. I just hope nothing is broken. That would just suck. The boy looks a little mad. Why that? “Don’t call me little! I’m already ten years old. Call me Elay. And you are old for me, Mister Raven.” At the end he grins wide. Really now? He is ten years old? I didn’t think he was more than 5 or 6 years old. “Really you’re ten? Then you really are a little one, Elay. Can you help me up? It’s kinda uncomfortable. Ouch. This stupid thing really did a number on me. What was it? Shadbell? Never heard of it.” – “I’m NOT small! You’re stupid! I hate you! I won’t talk to you anymore!” he puffs his cheeks cutely and turns away from me. Looks like I’ll be sitting for a while.

“Hey Rav! Are you okay? I couldn’t reach you for a while.” – “Ah, Mr. Air. Yeah I’m all right now. I just got my ass kicked from a stupid beast. Ereon called it shadebeach or something. Don’t really know. Ereon is fighting it now.” – “Shadebeach! That’s hilarious! Oh Raven you’re too good. It’s called Shadowbeast. S-h-a-d-o-w-b-e-a-s-t. Oh man. That’s what you get for walking in the forest in the night. You really shouldn’t do that. It’s just creepy. Not that I’m afraid of that or anything. I mean I’m the great Fire, I can’t be afraid of a little darkness, can I?” Yeah, yeah everyone knows that. He’s never afraid of anything. As If I would believe that. Everyone knows that he’s a scaredy-cat. Well, it’s not like I can say something. I’m not much better. “But really, Raven. Thou shouldn’t ever let fear or panic lead thou. Always stay in contact with us. Otherwise we won’t be able to help thou.”  I have no clue what she means by that. Protect me? How can they protect me when I can’t see them? I mean they’re technically not even here. Okay maybe they can talk to me even when they’re not here but why should they be able to protect me. That doesn’t make any sense, I think. “Okay, Ms. Water, I’ll try.” Better not piss her off. She’s scary when angered.

“Shit! Damn! Why don’t you just die, you piece of shit!” Wow Ereons voice is rather loud. Looks like he has some trouble fighting of the beast. Looks like he isn’t as strong as I thought he is. Not that I’m complaining. I mean I would be dead if it wasn’t for Ereon. Ereon strikes with his sword vertically to the breast but is blocked. He then try to strike 3 fast ones against the monsters shoulder, its stomach and the legs but is blocked every single time. However, he throws its fist to the monsters eyes and kicks it at the same time. The beast stumbles back before it charges right back. However, Ereon is prepared and stabs the monster right on the head. It stumbles back, more this time, and falls over the cliff. As it falls, we hear a horrible screech. It’s worse than anything I’ve ever heard. “Great job, Ereon. Now we’re save. You’re rather good with the sword. Now we can go back home.” Ereon sighs deeply and com to me. “Are you stupid or what? We were on our way to the camp and I’d rather die than not bringing you there. Oh well. I should have known that you’re stupid. I mean you can’t even fight and you try to save someone. You really want to get killed. I can’t believe that I have to babysit you. What a pain.” – “Oi Mister! Don’t be mean to Mr. Raven! He saved my life! He is a good Mister! You’re the stupid one! If he annoys you that much, why don’t you just leave him?” I can’t help laughing. That little guy sure has courage. I like him. “Hey Elay, why don’t you just come with us? I’m sure we can get you home safely.” He looks with big eyes at me. He thinks deeply about it. What is his problem? He looks like he is fighting himself. Then he looks at the ground. “I’d love to.” Okay something is off. His actions and his words don’t match. He’s hiding something. Well, it doesn’t matter. He will tell me when he’s ready. “Hey. Raven. Don’t decide these thinks on you own! He could be working for the enemy for all you know! It’s too dangerous! And even if he’s not an enemy. It’s too troublesome to have a kid with us!” Ereon screams on the top off his lungs. I think I’ll go deaf if I am with him for a long time.  “Oh come on, Ereon. You can’t mean that. We can’t let him be alone here. It’s too dangerous and you know it. Get over it. Either we take him with us or we get him home. And I don’t think that you want to make a detour, do you? Let’s go!” Ereon sighs deeply and we start to go after him.

After we took a few steps, we hear loud screeches. “Hey guys. I think the little beast had some friends. Shall we run?” I ask them. They nod and we start to run. Or we want to. Then at the same moment as we start running, ten beasts come out of the forest. Oh shit! Ereon had problem with one beast. There’s no way we can fight more than one. And I don’t think they let us walk through… “Hey Rav. Can you trust me? Wait that sounds stupid. Of course you trust us. You need to get to the beginning to the forest and then scream my name. I’ll be able to help you.” Okay that’s strange. Why didn’t he help before? Oh well. Whatever suits him, I guess. “Ereon. We need to get to the forest. I’ll handle the rest. Can you do that?” He just grunts and starts making a way for us. I take Elays hand while we walk right behind Ereon. I don’t want to lose him. Ereon deflects claws left and right. However, he doesn’t even try to fight back. I think he has his hands full just deflecting their attacks. I feel bad that I can’t do more. I’d love to be of use to him but I would just stay in the way… after a few minutes we finally make it to the forest. Ereon looks really tired. “Can you try to get away, Ereon? I don’t want to strike you too.” He nod and deflects one last attack then he turns and runs right behind me. Now I hope Mr. Air gets it right. I take a deep breath and scream: “Mr. Air! Help us!” As soon as the words left my mouth stormy wind, like a hurricane, surrounds us. We’re in the center and don’t feel anything. However, I can see deep cuts framing the body of the beasts. The wind gets stronger and stronger and soon the beasts fly in circles through the air. Then the wind suddenly changes direction and the beast all fly over the cliff. As soon as the wind started it dies down. The beast who were flying suddenly stop in the air and stay still for an endless time. However, it can’t be more than a second before the beasts all fall over the cliff. Ereon, Elay and I all stay still. “Wow…” I’m speechless. What the hell just happened?

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