fleeing rescue

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You'll need your friends help, Mr. Raven. The words Elay spoke never leave my mind. They're stuck and I don't know how I can get them out. Or what they mean. It's like a memory haunting me. Like the catchy songs my mother taught me when she was still alive. However, this few words aren't very nice to hear. I get the chills thinking about them. It's like a foreboding that something terrible is going to happen. I hope it's only my imagination running wild and nothing serious. Well, since we are being held captive I think that something could happen. We could die for example. I'm perhaps also overthinking things. It's probably just my fear getting the better of me. At least I know now that Elay is on my side. He wouldn't have apologized otherwise. "What are you pondering about? You've been awfully quiet since the traitor left, Raven." – "Elay is not a traitor, Ereon. He is our friend. However, don't you think one of our friends could save us? Somehow?" I get the feeling that Ereon can help me find the solution to the enigma. He is brighter than me. Much brighter. "I don't have friends. They only slow you down as you can see. If someone helps us, it will be your special friends. I doubt you get them to help. You don't even know their powers. You're too stupid for that matter. I can't believe that they would choose you. I hope I don't regret having come to get you. Well, I already do. It's not like I had another choice thought. Still, you should be the savior. A little child, never outside of that tiny village. No wonder you don't know anything." – "Oh god! Just shut up! I'm tired of your little speeches!" And I thought he could help. I'm so stupid. He doesn't have friends? No wonder. I wouldn't want to be friends with him either. However, what did he mean with special friend? I've got, again, no clue.

This is becoming exceedingly uncomfortable. I can't move though. Not without risking to lose the thing Elay put next to me. I don't know what this is but it sure has a meaning and I won't risk losing it. It could even be the key to getting out of here. At least my headache is gone. I wonder how the others are. They were really anxious before I was captured. Well, I can understand it. They knew what was happening but couldn't help me. They must feel kinda bad now. I wonder if a can talk with them here? Hello? Mr. Air? "Rav! You're okay! I thought we lost you for a while. Listen you better not talk aloud to us. We'd better be safe than sorry. Don't worry we'll get you out. Just do what we say and you'll be safe." So they were the friends Elay mentioned? He could have said so from the start... It would have been a lot easier that way... I wonder how they will get me out. They're not even here. They once said that they're far away and that they can't come to visit me. It's probably still like that. Well, it's not my place to ponder that. They said I just had to do what they'll say. So I'll do just that. They never broke they're word. They won't do it now.

"Raven. We shall free thou from the chains which withhold thou. Thou shall touch the great charm on your left and concentrate on the chains." Touch the charm? Which one? I don't have one on my left side. What did she mean? I can't believe it. I only have to do one little job and I can't even succeed in doing that little thing. This is so annoying! The left side... Does she perhaps mean the thing Elay left me? That would mean that thing really is the key to our rescue. However, I'm not touching it now. How can I move to the left? The chains are really tight. Well, I'll just have to suck up a little pain I guess. Still better than getting killed... So I move to my left side until I am nearly sitting on the charm. Ouch this hurts really badly. It's worse than I thought. How the hell should I be able to concentrate like that? I think my wrists are bleeding. Well, now that I've begun I can as well finish my task. I close my eyes tightly and concentrate on the chains around my ankles and wrists and on the one around my neck and my waist. Then I go from my body to the wall and imagine how the chains are lying on the ground and how they're attached on the wall behind me. Then I concentrate on the locked door which is the only exit that I know of. For a while nothing happens. Then the ground begins to shake and a bright light lightens up the whole room. The chains which bound both me and Ereon fall off and fly all over the room. The door flies open. It's like there is a hurricane in the room. It's frighteningly similar to what happen with those beasts. Only worse. It only lasts a few seconds then everything is calm again. It's like nothing ever happened. The room is dark again and only illuminated by the bright shine on the other side of the now broken door. "Well, that was certainly great. Good job, Raven. I knew that you would do it sooner or later. We need to get out now before someone comes." – "Oh now you knew that I would save us. Didn't sound like that before." Ereon just rolls his eyes and stands next to me. Then he puts his hand on my shoulder. "Look. I'm sorry for what I told you but it was necessary. Otherwise it would have been too suspicious. Do you remember what Elay wanted to show us? It was a special device for spies. It lets them see the whole room and here what we are talking about. That was also why Elay didn't talk to us. It was probably destroyed during the attack. However, I'll explain later in detail. Now we really need to get going. I don't want to know what they would do when they get their hands on us. Additionally, as I know you, you probably won't go away without Elay. We need to search for him and then take our heels and run off." I nod and we leave quietly but as fast as possible the room.

"Hey, Ereon. Are you sure we're going the right way? It's like we're going deeper in instead of out and we still haven't found Elay. It's not like I'm complaining since you're slaying anyone who is coming our way and I don't do anything but follow you but I'm wondering.", I whisper quietly to him. I really don't want anyone to find us. There have been enough deaths for one night. More than enough... "How the hell should I know the way?! I was never here before either, you know. If you wanna start fighting the men that come our way you can lead the way." I just shake my head. If I have to fight I'll die before I can say knife. He knows that, I guess. Hopefully, Elay is okay. I may not know him well, but he is like the little brother I always wanted. If these guys find out that he helped us he'll be getting into deep shit. We have to find him before that. "Raven! Mr. Ereon! You escaped! Thank goodness!" Before I can react to those words something hits my waist and little arms hug me. We have finally found Elay! "Are you okay? They didn't find out you helped us, did they? Oh god, I'm so happy that we finally found you. I don't even wanna think about what would have happened if they got you before us. Now, we should hurry and flee before they get us all." Wait... Is he crying? I bend down and hug him tightly. I never saw him clinging to me like that. What happened to him? I mutter soothing words to him while I try to calm him down. "T-th-ey h-have m-my s-sist-ter. I-I w-wouldn't h-have done t-that o-otherw-wise, t-trust m-me." So that's why he led us here. These bastards have taken his sister hostage. I wish I could free her. However, I don't think Ereon would want that and without him we can't get out and survive. Can I really let his sister die? "What are you thinking for, Raven. That's not like you. You're never thinking. You'd rather just play hero and go get into trouble. I'm already used to that, so one time more won't kill us, hopefully. Lead the way to her, Elay. However, stay right by my side. I don't want to hear Ravens crying when something happens to you." Ereon... So he really is a good guy deep down. Very deep down... Well, I'm content as long as I can save Elays sister. Elay takes Ereons and my hand and leads us the way into the labyrinth of this house.

"It's right here when I last saw her. However, the place is tightly guarded so we have to look out." Elay says quietly. We're standing behind a corner. Everything is eerily calm. The only thing you hear from time to time is the buzzing of the lamps on the ceiling. When we spy around the corner we see three heavy armed guys. Two of them have longswords and one has a claymore. All of them wear thick leather suits and leather helmets. They probably also have a dagger or two. It's lucky that Ereon stole a sword earlier. Otherwise even he would have some difficulty in killing them. "You stay behind while I get rid of them, understand?" Elay and I nod and try to blend in with the wall even though they can't see us. Ereon puts a hand on his sheath, takes a deep breath and then storms around the corner. I hear surprised shouts and then I hear the cluttering of metal. When I can't calm my curiosity anymore, I move a little that I can see around the corner. One guy with a longsword is already dead on the floor by then. Ereon I now fighting the other two. He is right in the middle and blocks attacks on his left and right side. Suddenly, the one with the claymore kicks Ereon in the stomach. He stumbles a little but manages to catch himself on time. However, it is already too late. The other guy is attacking and Ereon can't block it in time. He only can jump away to the left but the sword manages to cut his arm nonetheless. Luckily, the guy can't stop the sword in time and chops the claymoreguys head of. Thank goodness Elay has his head buried in my chest. It would have been really bad if he had seen that. He is still too young. Ereon feints an attack on the left, then suddenly turns to the right and stab the still frozen man into the stomach. When the man goes down Ereon releases him from his pain with a swift stab into his heart. "It's over, Elay. Ereon won. You don't have to worry anymore." He nods and lets go of my arms. They're a little numb. He must be petrified. The poor kid. We both hurry to Ereons side. Before he can say anything I search for a clean spot on my clothes and rip it apart. Then I try to bandage his wound as good as possible. "There. It's nothing great but I hope that it stops the bleeding for now. Hopefully we get to the camp fast enough. It will surely get infected if we don't treat it better. It could need some stitches too. Thank you, Ereon." He looks a little shocked before he blushes lightly. What's wrong with him? Isn't he used to that kind of thing? "Don't worry about me, Raven. Worry about yourself. So your sister is behind the door? Well it's locked. Looks like I have to open it with force." He rams the door with full force and it opens. It slams open and against the wall on the opposite side. We all hurry inside to retrieve the little sister. Elay runs into her arms while Ereon and I freeze as soon as we see who it is.

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