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Omniscient view:

It was noon in the little village of Reynea. Everyone was busily working to earn money. People were talking and laughing in the market, a few sailors were already drinking in the tavern and the flutist was playing at the fountain in the center of the village. Everyone was living a happy live. Everyone but one little child.

Raven was sitting at the river in the east of the village. He just sat there and stared at the water flowing to the lake in the north. He should be playing his flute. His father will be mad again when he would come home and couldn’t play the new songs. However, he just can’t do it. No matter how hard he tries, he just isn’t cut out to play the flute. His hands are too inflexible to play the complex notes, but his father just wouldn’t listen to him. Every day he would come to this place and try to play for hours without making any progress.

When his mother was still alive, she would help Raven learning to play. Then he didn’t have any difficulty learning new songs. Since her death, however, he couldn’t bring himself to learn one single song. His father’s fury and impatience didn’t help him either. Raven just didn’t know what to do anymore. He didn’t want his father to be disappointed in him, but neither did he know how to satisfy him.

Raven put his flute to his lips and began to play an old song which his mother taught him shortly before her death. It was his favorite song. Soon he was losing himself in the calm melody he played. The gentle breeze blew the melody down the river and everyone who was near enough to hear it paused in his steps to listen to the melody. “Raven is playing this song again.” says one person to the other. “Yeah, since her death he hasn’t played any other song. I guess he’s just lonely. His father hasn’t really time for him either since her death. However, Raven sure is a genius. To be able to play this beautifully at his age. His father should just give him a break.” Says the other. Then they are still to be able to hear the last notes of the song whispering in the breeze. When the song is over it is like the spell is lifted and everyone began working again.

After playing the song, Raven just sat by the riverside again and stared at in the air. “Why are you so sad, child? Someone who is able to pay such a beautiful song, shouldn’t be so sad.” Startled Raven looked around, but he couldn’t see anybody. “Who are you? Where are you? Why can’t I see you?” he asked confused.  He heard a chuckle. “Don’t worry little guy. Whatever happened to you will be okay again one day. I’m called Air. I’m everywhere where there’s air. However, I’m also at a place far away from here. You needn’t see me just yet. What’s your name little guy? And how old are you?” Raven still couldn’t understand what was happening. However, his father taught him to always be friendly to other people. So he thought he should answer the mysterious guy’s questions. “I’m Raven Evor. I’m already six years old. Why can I hear you, Mr. Air?” Now there was a deep laugh heard. “So you are already six years old? Then you are a big boy, Raven. However, it is not yet time for you to know who you are and who I am. I’ll tell you when the time has come. Don’t worry too much over little things. Do you want to meet my other friends, Raven?” Upon hearing this Raven leaped up into the air and screamed: “Yes, Yes, I want! Can I?” and caused Mr. Air to laugh a lot louder. “Sure, sure. Just go to the lake of life in the north. They will be there.” After these words Raven began to walk along the river towards the lake.

He was really happy that he could meet friends of Mr. Air. Raven didn’t have any friends. No one his age wanted to play with him. They said he was too weak for that. Moreover, he didn’t have a lot of free time. His parents wanted him to play the flute all day. When his mother was still alive, he didn’t have a problem with that. However, since her death he’s wished nothing more than a friend in who he could confide in. While he was walking, a light breeze let his reddish-brown locks dance. People often told him that he would become a fine man when he was older. He had emerald green eyes that shone like a crystal which were underlined by his straight hair. His skin was smooth like a girl’s. He didn’t like it one bit.

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