Starting of Love

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After 15 year's all of them came from gurukul. They were having battel in between each student ( not each but in between Pandavas and Kauravas) . No result came out . The battel was for the yuvraj path .
Then guru Dronacharya asked for his guru dakshina. The guru dakshina was to do battel with the king of Panchal Drupad. Kauravas lost this battel. But pandav brother won their first battel.
All Pandavas were coming from battel. It was afternoon and they were between Panchal and Hastinapur. So they build a tent and they were resting. But bheem was very hungry. Not only bheem but all Pandavas were hungry after battel. But they were alone and there were no ingredients to make food .
One palki came there . In which one rajkumari was sitting. She was with her bodyguards and dasi . She came there for see the beauty of silence and aloneness.
Pandavas was watching carefully and thinking who was she but the face was not clear because of curtains. But the most eager person was jyesth kauntheya means our yudhistira. He was trying to look at her . He don't know why he was feeling something in his heart but he was eager to met her or you can say to see her .
The curtains of palki was flowing to the direction of air ,her face was now little bit clear .  He looked towards her eye's.  Her eye's colour were black and her Lotus shape eye's were giving her beauty. Her perfect shaped lips, her hair's were of black colour .

She came down from her palki

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She came down from her palki . Yudhistira was still looking towards her and all pandavas were looking towards there jyesth bhrata mischievously.

As it was only place to build a tent, so she ordered her bodyguards to build a tent. She came there to greet them. All of them greeted her except yudhistira. He was still looking towards her . She came infront of him .

Pranipaat rajkumar said Devika. But no response.she again greeted him and this time he came from his dreams. Bhratashree why you are seeing dreams in afternoon only said arjun mischievously indicating towards Devika. Yudhistira given arjun a death glare and he responded to her.  Pranipaat rajkumari said yudhistira. Rajkumari from which kingdom are you from asked yudhistira. I am from shivi Kingdom rajkumar answered devika. Where are you from devika copied the question. I am from Hastinapur and we were coming from Panchal , actually we came here for battel purpose he replied. Oh ! What's your name rajkumar asked Devika. All brothers were looking towards eachother mischievously. A mischievous thought were passing in between 4 of them. My name is Yudhistira answered he . Nice name rajkumar your name gives stability, by the way my name is Devika . Oh ! Beautiful said yudhistira looking into her eye's. What rajkumar asked Devika in a shocked voice. Hmmm ! Nothing rajkumari the nature of Panchal is very good and beautiful . Yaa it is and that's why I came here to enjoy the Beauty said Devika.
All Pandavas were listening to there conversation. And they were thinking that how came there jyesth bhrata is talking to a girl . He always hesitated to talk to a girl and she is the first lady in whole aryavarat whom he is talking. As they were very close to eachother and lost in eachother. I am very hungry jyesth bhrata,if I will not get food I will faint said bheem intrupting in between them. How can a monster be faint said Nakul looking towards bheem. Bheem pulled him into his shoulder and squeezed his arms . Both arjun and sahadev started laughing loudly. Bheem released him . Both yudhistira and devika gain there consciousness and they came out from there dreamland. They realised that they were too close to eachother so they moved lil bit far from eachother. Jyesth please give our introduction to rajkumari you both are only talking inquired arjun. They both blushed. Meet to my four brothers bheem, arjun Nakul and sahadev introduced by yudhistira. Oh ! Nice to meet you all said Devika. Nice to meet you to rajkumari said pandavas in Unite .

Acha ! Why you all not taken your Lunch asked Devika. No rajkumari we are alone and we don't have ingredients too replied sahadev. If ingredients would be there you all will cook asked Devika. Yaa rajkumari we don't know how to cook but our bhrata bheem know how to cook answered Nakul. Hmm ! I have some ingredients said Devika. Arey rajkumari it is not needed said arjun. Why not needed rajkumar arjun you think me as evil women or what Devika inquired in fake tears . Arey no no rajkumari how can we think you like said yudhistira in quick. Then why your brother is not allowing me to do give you all some ingredients from my cottage said Devika. You came give to us rajkumari,we will take said yudhistira .

She smiled and quickly she went to her tent and ordered to her dasis to burn some wood for cooking food. Devika always loved to cook food and serve to other's but in palace this opportunity never came so she decided to serve them with her hand and cook some food for them . Dasi followed her instructions and in no time devika cooked delicious food for them.
On other hand, Pandavas were thinking why she was not coming. Jyesth where is rajkumari,why she is not coming she is bringing from her tent or from her Kingdom inquired bheem. Bheem keep some patience dear , she will come , she is so kind hearted said yudhistira.

Sorry all of you for late said devika coming from back with her dasis holding containers. Rajkumari what is this you said you will give ingredients,why you have done so much hardwork for us said yudhistira in possesive manner. Yaa rajkumari what was the need of this , see how our jyesth bhrata is tensed about you said arjun mischievously. Yudhistira given him death glare and devika just turned red . Kuru rajkumaro I like to serve food and I like to make food for others said Devika. Ohk rajkumari your hardwork will never go in water said bheem making her laugh . Yaa rajkumar bheem said devika while laughing.
Ohk all of wash your hands and come instructed devika. They washed there hand's and taken there places . The smell of food was very delicious. By seeing that delicious food, rats were jumping in there stomach. Devika immediately served the food and asked them to start . All of them started and all brothers were praising her for making delicious food. Rajkumari thankyou for this said yudhistira . Rajkumar no need of thanks , friends never say thanks said Devika with her ever sweet smile. Friends! Is jyesth your friend rajkumari asked sahadev in full innocence in his voice but not in mind . Yes ! Now only he became my sakha and do you want to become my brother rajkumar sahadev.  Yaa rajkumari you can think us as you brother only said arjun. Ohk you 4 are my brother's but before that complete your food said devika. Rajkumari you too do the lunch , I think you to do the lunch because you are also doing journey said yudhistira. But she denied firstly but all them forced her to do lunch.

All were talking to Devika and cracking jokes on eachother. It was like family sitting together and talking to eachother. Like real brother and sister talk they five of them were talking and yudhistira was just listening to their conversation and smile. It was positive aura . All of completed there food and all leaved to there tent except yudhistira and devika.
Rajkumari sorry sakhi when you will leave from here because you are alone no one is with you said yudhistira. I will leave tomorrow sakha said devika. Oh ! That's good we will also leave early morning said he . They talked for some minutes and they were lost in talkings but again interrupted by his brothers.

In mind of yudhistira,
Oho ! Why this guy's always disturb in between me and sakhi . It is really a problem to have a small brother's. I was having good time with sakhi but this little monster will never leave me alone. But this little monsters are my life , my heartbeat, my whole Life are they . My little brothers.

Jyesth please do some rest naa your sakhi will always your sakhi please come said arjun. You go I am coming said yudhistira. Arjun followed his instructions and gone from there. Pranipaat sakhi will meet you tomorrow said he . Ohk sakha will me tomorrow before leaving , pranipaat.

Ohk guy's this is today's update plz do read the story and give ur opinion to this hardwork.

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