Hidimba's Forest

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All seven of them were into the forest not knowing where to go and stopped in middle of the forest. All were confused cause there was no sunshine . Why there is no sunshine(our hobei) jyesth asked nakul . Both of the mothers were fear . Bheem pulled out one tree and thrown it ( as you know our bheem is very strong enough) . But for their shock tree stand at that place . All were very shocked ( actually they got jungshook) . Yudhishstir understand what was going on . Mata come let's relax here said arjuna controlling the situation but krungi Mata asked yudhisthira that they can sleep here . Yudhisthira answered that if they sleep or walk is same . They all can't understand what he was saying but arjuna and sahadeva got to know what he was saying .
            " What you mean jyesth." Asked nakul . Then yudhisthira explained that it is the forest of HIDIMB and sahadev explained about the shrap of forest . "Nakul yadi tum apna mukh naa dekh kr gurudev ka mukh dekhte toh aaj tune prashna naa punchne padate." Joked arjuna .

In shivi,

Kanha was there as in two months devika's swayamvar would be held as she was in love with yudhisthira she was not able to think anything else without him .
             At night , devika was roaming here and there thinking about varnavart fire and all .( All around aryavart got to know that pandavas and there two mothers were died in that lakshagriha) . But somewhere in devika's heart was saying that they were alive . She was in deep thoughts when someone from behind came and said "bhoooooooooooo!"kanha started to laugh at her condition as she flinched by sudden voice. But as soon as he saw tha his little sister is glaring at him he stopped laughing.  "What you were thinking my little sister let me guess hmmmmmm..... are you in love my dear ." Out of nowhere he asked . "No no bhrata I am not in love with anyone ." She lied . Then what are you thinking questioned kanha . I am thinking how they died she said . Who ?????? Shouted kanha . "Ahh why are you shouting bhrata ,I was talking of pandavas and there mothers as I listened from pitaji ." Said devika . "You know they are warriors ." Said kanha

Yes I know bhrata and I met them and you know jyesth pandava is very handsome she said in joy . Oh you met them and fallen in love with my jyesth bhrata also teased kanha . No no bhrata I was just telling you said devika as she was trying to hide he red tomato face .

Bhrata is it real that they died  asked devika.  What do you think question kanha . I think they didn't died devika answered in full confidence.  So your thinking is correct my little sister said kanha caressed her hairs . So they are alive said devika and given him a brotherly hug .

Kanha :But why are  you asking tell me the exact reason my little sister . I know you love someone.  Is it my jyesth bhrata yudhisthira. 

Devika : Aish!!! You are so impatient bhrata

Kanha : am I???
Devika : yes , you are. ohk I love yuvraj yudhisthira. So can you tell where are they ??

Kanha : they are in kamakhya forest .

In kamakhya forest (hidimba forest) ,
They all were sleeping silently.  But arjuna heard some noise he tried to hear it clearly . And it was sound of crying lady . He opened his eyes and sat on his place . Seeing arjuna yudhisthira also got up from his sleep .

Yudhisthira: what happened arjuna??
Arjuna: jyesth , I heard a sound of crying lady .
Madri: crying lady??
Arjuna: yes mata it is coming from there . He showed the left side .

Sahadev: maybe it is the growling sound of bhrata sheen's stomach. Joked sahadev
Bheem: my stomach doesn't sound like a lady

Arjuna got up from his place and picked his Dhanush and ran towards the sound . All tried to stop him but he vanished from there sight. All were panicked. 

Arjuna reached were crying sound were coming . He stopped and slowly he went inside the cave . He then seen a lady sitting over there and hiding her face in her legs and crying. 

Arjuna: hello man why are you crying.  She look upwards and stopped crying

Lady : my parents died because asuras killed my family and I am alone now . She again started crying
Arjuna : ohk don't cry now my family is there so you can come with me if you want too . I will not harm you . I am not asur .

Lady : ohk I will come with you . She said in between sobs .
Arjuna: why can't girls be strong?? Why they always cry . Mumbled arjuna in his under underbreath.

      On the other hand,  all were very tensed and they were looking for arjuna .

Madri : arjuna went on this side we should all go on this side . All said yes

Bheem: I am going to pull out all trees over here .

He pulled out one tree and about to throw but stopped . As he saw a beautiful lady coming with arjuna.  It was not gone unseen by his three little brothers. 

Arjuna: hmmhp ! Bhrata you can throw the tree now .
Kunti : who is this lady arjuna .
Arjuna : mata she was crying . Asuras killed her family so I brought her here .

Kunti : don't worry dear my five sons will protect you .

Arjuna: bhrata bheem will protect you .

Bheem : yes why not if mata said then I do it .

The three little brats were mischievously looking at each other. 

Yudhisthira: mata lets go from here .

Kunti : are you ohk daughter or you want to rest for sometime. 

Arjuna: no mata she was doing nothing only she was sitting and crying. He said and then he got a death glare from mata madri and he pouted cutely at her and she chuckled at his cuteness. 

Bheem: arjuna you should not laugh at anyone. 

After that all were traveling through the forest. And stopped at one place .

Nakula: mata I am hungry. 
Kunti: but putra where can we find the food .
Lady : from there the smell of fruits are coming. Some are wind fallen and some are on tree . Now I know about this .

They all made " o " sound except mothers and that young lady .

After that all seated at one place started eating friuts.  They all were busy in eating there own fruits and feeding each other  . But the couple who just fallen for each other were having competition in their own world.  All watched and for their shock that lady won .

And that time arjuna and yudhisthira having doubt on that lady . Because no one can eat this much .

After that they all drifted to the dreamland. 

Tune with me to know more .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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