varnavrat and New Life

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They reached to the gate of varnavrat mahal . It was night so the palace was not clear . And there were no light lamps burned . Purochan where is the palace asked yudhishthir. Yuvraj let me show you the unique palace which is lightened up only by the light of the  moon said the purochan. They all were shocked by seeing the Beauty of the palace which was shining like moon. They went inside as they were very tired they all gone to there respective bedrooms.

Next day
All were were getting ready for the puja . Putron let's go it already late shouted kunti and madri too . They all went in a big ground where the statue of Pandu were situated . The puja was done and bheem was feeling very hungry . Mata I want food cried bheem . Ohk putr let's have our lunch said madri by caressing bheem's hair . Vidur has sent a mouse and some rice all were confused . But didn't taken seriously. As usual by seeing any animal nakul would talk all the time so he got busy in that . And sahadev went to bring some food from purochan. As sahadev entered into the kitchen all got afraid and sahadev got doubt on purochan and his wife . Sahadev given the bowl of kheer to nakul but the mouse was not taking kheer into the mouth .

In shivi ,
Devika was feeling worrieness . She was not able to think anything. She was not knowing that why it is happening to her but. She thought that something wrong is going to happen. She ran towards the temple of Shiva and prayed to God . Lord ! Those who are in danger please protect them from evil eyes please god prayed Devika. The flash of yudhishthir came to her mind while praying. She spend a little time in balcony by seeing the moon . Are you ohk asking yudhishthir from heart.

Nakul and all Pandavas was very worried other than bheem because he was busy in eating naa . I think mata is waiting for us we should go brata arjun said sahadev. Why bhrata bheem will not wait for us  said arjun . All laughed and yudhishthir came from behind. Let's go, nakul give food to mouse and come fast we will waiting for you. As Pandavas were leaving the room nakul shouted . They turned and what they have seen ? They seen that mouse was almost was in the way to die . They ran worriedly towards nakul and they got confused but arjun understand what vidur was trying to tell . It is bhrata duryodhana plan jyeshtha bhrata if we will eat this kheer then then we will die because the poison is there and the palace will be burned out because it is a lakshagriha ( the house which is made up of burning object) . Then mata and mata kunti is there on dining table we should go and tell stop them said nakul and all of them ran towards the dining room. Mata ,mata don't eat this it is a poison said sahadev. What !!! Poison said kunti in shocked tone . Yes mata if we doesn't go outside then we will burn in this palace said yudhishthir. All ran behind yudhishthir. Purochan got to know that Pandavas was aware of the fire the they purochan immediately kept the palace on fire.
The palace was burning like a sun . Pandavas got one safe place but fire growing very fast so they decide to go from under ground . Pandavas found underground way and they gone from there. Bhishma pitamah got to know about the evil plans of Shakuni . He worriedly moved towards the palace but the palace was now converted into ash . Bhishma thought that they died as there was Pandavas weapons. Bhishma cried a lot and returned to Hastinapur . Hastinapur was now flooded with sadness . All were missing Pandavas, kunti and madri . But duryodhana, Shakuni and dushasan was very happy to know that Pandavas were died and their plan got succeeded.

Pandavas , kunti and madri came out from a cave in long hills . They decided that they will take new form of Brahmins. First they went in South side . But they all were feeling tired and they decided to rest in forest . Sahadev and yudhishthir was lighting the bon fire , nakul and arjun were bringing some fruits and bheem was cleaning the place . Nakul and Arjun came but stoped by seeing there mother's pain . Madri and kunti was crying holding eachother. But as soon as they seen there children they both stoped crying . Mata we don't need anyone here we are enough for eachother said Arjun wiping both of there  tears . Both of there mother's were feeling proud on there 5 sons . They happily enjoyed there food .

After sometime they hear a sound . The sound was of horse . It was none other than aswathhma. Aswathhma watched 7 people running towards the forest he also chased those people. But stoped by soldiers . Because that was the forest of hidimba .

Thankyou guys for reading my book .

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