Good Byee will meet you Again

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Next day

Yudhistira got up earlier as possible and then he freshened himself. He went towards the tent of his sakhi. He thought that she was asleep but she was also awake. Sakha what are you doing here questioned devika. I  just came here to tell you good byee sakhi said he . Oh ! I will miss you so much sakha said she . I will also miss you sakhi said he painfully. It was a short time which I spend with you sakha but it was amazing and your brothers they are amazing . They are literally mad , sorry but they are too naughty said Devika while laughing. Hm ! They are really mad and naughty to but they are my life , I love them , I am very lucky too have brothers like that said yudhishthir smiling. Sakha when we will meet again questioned devika. I don't know sakhi but it will be amazing too meet you again said yudhistira.

They talked for a while and they leaved for there journey. While traveling brothers were having a good talk but yudhistira was lost somewhere else . CAN YOU TELL ME GUY'S WHERE HE WAS LOST ?
Jyesth when we will reach Hastinapur questioned nakul but no answer came . Jyesth said arjun . Jyesth bhrata shouted all four of them. What happened why you all are shouting questoined yudhistira. Because you were not listening to us said bheem. But bhratashree what were you thinking or of whom you thinking asked arjun mischievously. Jyesth see you can't lie ohk now tell us said sahadev. Sahadev jyesth was thinking about rajkumari Devika said nakul laughing. Yes , I was thinking about sakhi , I was thinking that if she is safe or not said yudhistira . Jyeshth your sakhi is safe don't take tension said arjun.

In no time they reached to Hastinapur. All were happy as yudhistira will be crown as yuvraj of Hastinapur. But Kauravas , dhritrashtra and Shakuni was not happy to see him as a crown prince. All Pandavas taken the blessings of elders. It was a long time they spend time with there mother's . They went towards there mother's chamber. Kunti and madri were eagerly waiting for them. Putron you all came said madri and Kunti. Pandavas can see how there mother were waiting for them , they can see the happiness on there beautiful faces. They all touched their feets and all pandavas hugged there mother .

Kunti and Madri taken there sits and Pandavas taken there sits near there mother's feet . Mata we were missing you so much said nakul hugging kunti .
But this day kunti was lost in thoughts. She looked at priyamwada ( kunti's childhood friend) and then she looked at Madri. Kunti was thinking about Suryaputr karn who was kunti's son . He was born from. He was born from Mantra. This boon was given by sage durvasa to kunti. Priyamwada taken oath from kunti that kunti will never tell Pandavas that they have there jyesth bhrata too. Madri also know that karn was kunti's son . Madri suggested kunti that they should not tell the truth about karn.

Mata what happened asked yudhistira. Nothing rajkumar she is just thinking that if someone tried to come in between this five Pandavas then what will happen said priyamwada by coming from back. They all looked towards her and greeted her . Mata we are like five fingers not more than five are required and not less enough said arjun. And our bhrata bheem is thumb said Nakul making fun of bheem. Nakul got a death glare from madri . I was in just joking mata said nakul . All burst in laughter .
Putr bheem I made kheer for you said madri while carresing bheem's hair . Choti mata you made kheer for Bhrata bheem only said arjun with fake pout. Arey no putr I made kheer for all of you and jiji made ladoos for all of you said madri with a smile. Okay putron let's go and take dinner chalo said Kunti. Yes mata tomorrow our jyesth bhrata will be crowned as yuvraj so we have to sleep fast said sahadev while getting up from his place.

All of them went to dinning table . There dinning table was decorated in there Mata's room only. They all had there dinner and they went to there room . All Pandavas would sleep together. All brothers were talking. Yudhistira got bored and he went towards the balcony and started staring at moon .

At shivi

Devika was sitting in balcony and she was also staring at moon. She was looking lovingly at the moon. She was thinking about yudhistira.

 She was thinking about yudhistira

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At Hastinapur,

Jyesth why are you looking at moon, jyesth bhrata what are you thinking asked arjun. Hm ! Bhratashree from last two days our jyesth is lost somewhere said Nakul mischievously. Nakul I think our jyesth is thinking about raj. Sahadev was about to say but intruppted by yudhistira. Nakul sahadev arjun I was just looking at moon, I was not thinking about anyone and rajkumari Devika is my sakhi don't think any other thing , okay you all got it  yudhistira said it in one breath.
Okay go and sleep it's late said yudhistira. And they followed the order of there jyesth bhrata.

Next day ,

Yudhistira crowned as the yuvraj of Hastinapur. All decoration were done . Purochan were chanting mantras and pandits were giving milk bath to yudhistira. After that he was crowned as the yuvraj.

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