v. the ill-made knight

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The tent that housed combatants felt crowded, for all that there were only three occupants. Sakura clenched and unclenched her fist, testing the leather of her glove. Unlike jousting, which demanded precision and control (two areas she excelled at), proper dueling offered a host of dangers. She had not excelled with the sword the way Naruto and Sasuke had when they were pages, and even years later memories of those shameful early days haunted her.

Neji had also made it to the final round, which did not surprise her. His technique, be it in the saddle or on the training field, was the definition of precise and in control. He would make a formidable opponent in the final round, of that she had no doubts.

But before she could fight Neji, she had to face an unknown.

The dark-haired boy known only as Sai sat across from her, watching her carefully. He was slight, with a face made for cruel smiles and mocking laughs. Like ice that refused to melt, Sai had shaken her hand and made an admiring remark about her jousting technique.

Then: "How unusual for a maid to make it this far—shouldn't you be in the stands handing out favors to the victors?" Sakura's ice had run cold, and Sai's smile had not slipped an inch as she had grasped his handshake with all her strength.

"I don't see anyone worth my favor," she hissed. "Do you?" Sakura was known for her strength, and any of the other Konoha squires would have flinched under her grasp. She gripped tighter for a moment, testing his reaction. His smile did not slip from its pasted on position. Relenting, Sakura released him. It would do no good to be disqualified for breaking her opponent's hand in the rest period.

She imagined what it would be like to destroy him on the field. Satisfying, she thought, to see the confidence fade away in that look. She had no intention of losing this tournament. She had been Naruto's squadmate during the exams to promote from page to squire. Many in Konoha still remembered her as the tearful young girl trailing behind Naruto and Sasuke. On bad days, Sakura herself still saw that girl crying in the mirror.

She was eager to shatter that image.

Trumpets sounded, summoning the next round of fighters into the ring. Neji would fight next. Sakura slipped out of the tent to follow, although it was technically a violation of the rules. They were to face their final matches with as little information as possible, but this was a formality. She knew Neji's technique perfectly well. A few extra moments would not give her an unearned advantage in their final bout.

"That's cheating," Kakashi's voice cut through the air. Sakura froze, caught in her crime.

"Excuse me?" She feigned ignorance.

"No one knows the rules like you, Sakura," Kakashi sighed. "Don't play coy." Her cheeks flushed at the accusation.

"I should be allowed to study my opponents," she protested despite the fact that this was against the spirit of the rules.

"A true champion won't get the chance to study their opponents," Kakashi replied pedantically. "Besides, that's what I came to speak to you about—I think you should withdraw."

For a moment, rage struck Sakura silent.

"And give up?" she hissed finally. There would be no reason to do such a thing...unless he had no confidence in her. Unless he thought she was about to make a fool of herself in the battlefield.

Kakashi knew her better than anybody, had been the first person to train her with a sword. For a moment, a panic voice fluttered through her.

If he doesn't think I could win...if he still thinks I'm a joke...

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